ARRL VE Newsletter January 2019
Inside this VE E-Newsletter:
Government Shutdown Impacts License Applications
CORES/FRN Registration remains available
Exam Maker Software Update
Summary: Government Shutdown Impacts Amateur Radio License Applications
According to the FCC public notice statement: Aside from a few emergency
and auction filing systems, all other Commission electronic filing systems
will be unavailable to the public until normal agency operations resume.
Therefore, the FCC is not processing any Amateur license applications
during the shutdown, which includes individual, club, and exam session
(new and upgrade) applications.
The FCC CORES registration system is one of the few systems that remains available to the public, and is not affected by the shutdown. Applicants
can still register in CORES, and be assigned an FCC Registration Number
Additionally, information included in the FCC public notice outlined how licenses that will expire while the FCC is closed will be handled. If a
license has just expired, or is about to expire, the ham can file the
renewal application, and continue to operate while the FCC is closed.
The filed application will remain in limbo until the FCC is back to work.
If the Amateur waits until the FCC reopens, then they will have two days
to submit the renewal before their license is considered expired in the
FCC database.
The FCC public notice did not specifically address licenses that had
expired, and were near the end of the 2-year grace period, other than
to state,"We are not automatically extending the deadlines, but we will consider whether it is appropriate to do so, once normal operations
Web News Story: Amateur Radio Applications in Limbo as Partial Shutdown Continues
The FCC is not processing any Amateur Radio applications as the partial government shutdown approaches its fourth week. The FCC suspended "most operations" at mid-day on Thursday, January 3, although an appearance of activity continues. For radio amateurs, the shutdown means that, while
the Universal Licensing System (ULS) continues to accept applications
for all valid purposes, the FCC will not review, or act upon them, until
the funding stalemate is resolved. This includes Volunteer Examiner
Coordinator test session batch files, as well as modification, renewal,
and vanity call sign applications, filed by individual licensees. Amateur
Radio newcomers who have passed the required examinations will have to
wait until the shutdown concludes, to receive a call sign, and
authorization to operate. License upgrades are also on hold.
"Due to a lapse in funding, the operations of the Federal Communications Commission will be limited, with no system support. We regret any inconvenience," the FCC says on the ULS home page. This means very
limited human intervention, while the shutdown continues, and if a
system breaks down, it will not be repaired until after employees are
back on the payroll. At this point, 262 of 1,437 FCC employees
(excepting contractors) remain on the job, as are FCC Commissioners.
The Antideficiency Act prohibits FCC and other federal employees from
working until funds are available to pay them; they may not even
volunteer, check their email, or attend meetings. While the law doesn't directly affect FCC automated filing databases, some of these cannot
operate without regular human intervention.
The Commission has emphasized that it will undertake any activities
necessary for the protection of life and property during the funding
lapse. That includes the High Frequency Direction Finding (HFDF) Center
in Maryland, considered essential.
The FCC website remains up, and the FCC Daily Digest of its activity
continues to be posted, but the website is not being updated, and the
only items it contains are those related to spectrum auctions, activity
that is funded through auction proceeds, not government funds. The
Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) will also accept posts, but
filings will not be reviewed or processed, until after normal operations return.
The FCC spelled out the overall impact of the funding lapse in a January
2 Public Notice. Using available funds, the agency was able to maintain
a business-as-usual posture until that date. The FCC released an updated
Plan for Orderly Shutdown Due to Lapse of Congressional Appropriations
on January 9. The resumption of normal operations will also be announced
on the FCC's website.
For further information, please see the ARRL news items on the website:
01/10/2019 shutdown-continues
(above URL all on one line)
01/02/2019 potential-funding-lapse
(above URL all on one line)
Exam Maker Software Update
We've corrected an issue within the program where a few of the Technician questions were transposed.
To update existing question pools that have been modified, current users
must manually download the entire exam database to fix the problem.
Unfortunately, the "update exam data" command does not pick up on the
minor changes when we fix them.
The database will say it is "up to date" even though the question pool
database has changed slightly.
To fix the issue with the Tech questions, all VEs that utilize the
software must "Initialize Database" and the program will have to
completely reload all of the questions pools again. Previously printed
Exam Maker Technician exams should be tossed.
1. Click "Update" then "Initialize Database".
2. A pop-up window will state: "This will reload the complete set of
question pools. Continue?" Click OK.
3. Then enter your user name and password and click "Execute".
4. The window will state: "Initializing Exam Database. Please wait...".
When completed the window will state: "Exam Database Initialized".
NEW USERS: Use the "Download and Install" instructions on the VE Exam
Maker Software web page
Thank you for your support in the field!
The ARRL VEC Staff is Ready to Serve You!
As always, the dedicated VEC staff are here to answer any questions
you may have.
ARRL VEC: (860) 594-0300 (8am to 5pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday)
Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339
Maria Somma, AB1FM, Manager
Amanda Grimaldi, N1NHL, Assistant Manager
Stephanie Borden W2MAU, Service Representative
Ann Brinius, Service Representative
Lisa Riendeau, Service Representative
Joshua Nance, Service Representative
We thank you for your efforts and interest in the ARRL VEC program.
ARRL VEC VE Newsletter is published by the American Radio Relay League,
Inc. - the national association for Amateur Radio (R).
Material from the ARRL VE E-Newsletter may be republished or reproduced
in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit
must be given to The American Radio Relay League VEC.
225 Main Street
Newington CT 06111 USA
Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio (R)
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111 USA
Daryl Stout, WX1DER, UALR Ham Radio Club VE Team Liaison
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