From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet
To: The Millionaire
Re: Dove-Net Infopack
By: The Millionaire to Digital Man on Fri Jun 10 2022 05:18 pm
How about a Dove-Net Infopack, DM?
We used to have one long ago, but I think the wiki page works just fine.
digital man (rob)
Sling Blade quote #10:
Morris: I stand on the hill, not for thrill, but for the breath of a fresh kill Norco, CA WX: 86.5øF, 34.0% humidity, 9 mph SSW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs --- Synchronet 3.19c-Linux NewsLink 1.113
* Vertrauen - Riverside County, California -
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