From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet
To: The Millionaire
By: The Millionaire to Digital Man on Tue May 17 2022 08:15 pm
How about an IEMSI system for logging in?
$ The Millionaire $
I know I'm gonna regret this, but way IEMSI. That was designed for the front end mailers to talk to the bbs when mail arrived. Of course the users could take advantage of it if they were using a IEMSI terminal. That is old arcitucture. We have RLogin now, plus other protocols that are way better than IEMSI, and if set up in your terminal correctly, you don't have to enter a thing, bam, you are logged in, just like IEMSI.
Stop living in the past, Synchronet is miles ahead of what we used to have. Embrace the future, and forget the past.
SysOp: C.G. Learn, AKA: DesotoFireflite
Valhalla Home Services! - (Synchronet) -
A Gamers Paradise - Over 250 Registered Online Game Doors!
--- I hear what you're saying but I just don't care.
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