From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet
To: IB Joe
Re: Game Server
By: IB Joe to All on Sat Apr 24 2021 01:07 pm
Where exactly do I toggle the ability for Synchronet to just open up at the external programs menu if people rlogon??
IB Joe
AKA Joe Schweier
SysOp of Joe's BBS
logon.js has a little section:
// Check if we're being asked to auto-run an external (web interface external programs section uses this)
if ((options.rlogin_auto_xtrn) && (bbs.sys_status & SS_RLOGIN) && (console.terminal.indexOf("xtrn=") === 0)) {
var external_code = console.terminal.substring(5);
bbs.node_action = NODE_XTRN;
if (!bbs.exec_xtrn(external_code)) {
alert(log(LOG_ERR,"!ERROR Unable to launch external: '" + external_code + "'"));
You can manipulate stuff there. I mod'd mine to intercept xtrn=foo to create what I can only descibe as an inter-mtrix for my game server.
þ Synchronet þ AlleyCat! BBS Lake Echo, NS Canada
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