From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet
I have a hub that has request that all nodes be sure to have all three of
their network AKAs enabled on our end. I do not see an easy way to do this with sbbsecho/binkit.
In sbbsecho.ini:
Name =
Comment = somenet hub
Archive = ZIP
PacketType = 2+
PacketPwd =
AreaFix = false
AreaFixPwd =
SessionPwd = password
TicFilePwd = password
Inbox =
Outbox =
Passive = false
Direct = false
Notify = false
Keys = SOME
Status = Normal
GroupHub =
BinkpHost =
BinkpPort = 24554
BinkpPoll = true
BinkpPlainAuthOnly = false
BinkpAllowPlainAuth = false
BinkpAllowPlainText = true
BinkpTLS = false
BinkpSourceAddress =
Name =
Comment =
Archive = ZIP
PacketType = 2+
PacketPwd =
AreaFix = false
AreaFixPwd =
SessionPwd =
TicFilePwd =
Inbox =
Outbox =
Passive = false
Direct = false
Notify = false
Keys =
Status = Normal
Route = 123:123/1
GroupHub =
BinkpHost =
BinkpPort = 24554
BinkpPoll = false
BinkpPlainAuthOnly = false
BinkpAllowPlainAuth = false
BinkpAllowPlainText = true
BinkpTLS = false
BinkpSourceAddress =
I need to also add 123:123/0 and 123:123/10. I don't see a place to do
that in sbbsecho.ini or in the config tool, short from adding complete new entries for the other two and setting them both up as BinkpPoll = false.
Also, if I did that, would netmail for /0 and /10 still go to /1?
Is there a simpler way to do this?
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