From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet
To: The Millionaire
Re: @-Codes
By: The Millionaire to Digital Man on Sun Dec 06 2020 03:09 pm
Hi Dm. How about the following atcode:
FREESPACEG Free disk space available for uploads (in gigabytes)
For example: You have 1.23 GB space left.
Are you actually running a BBS yet?
digital man
Synchronet "Real Fact" #112:
Weedpuller "Congenial"
Norco, CA WX: 69.3øF, 21.0% humidity, 3 mph ENE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs --- Synchronet 3.18c-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
* Vertrauen - Riverside County, California -
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