From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet
Per my previous post: I've gotten SBBS running rlogin in gameserver mode, and can access it from my ENiGMA system just fine.
If I don't try to pass an xtrn= value, it goes straight to the xtrn menu and I can run anything I'd like from there, and when I quit it sends me back to my bbs. Cool.
But if I pass an xtrn= value where the terminal type would normally go, it always gives me an error message like !ERROR Unable to launch external: 'ANSIVIEW'
I've tried multiple external programs, and double checked the internal codes (In this example, I'm trying to use the auto-installed ANSIview and am passing xtrn=ANSIVIEW.)
Any ideas what may begoing on? Do I possibly have the syntax off?
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* Vertrauen - Riverside County, California -
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