From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet
To: Fang-Castro
Re: custom avatar
By: Fang-Castro to Gamgee on Thu Oct 15 2020 10:18:01
I see what looks like an upside-down chicken head.
hmmm, that was my old avatar... it was the lemonhead guy turned upside-down.
i think most people are seeing my new one which is my BBS name...
There's lag time in all of this. It depends on:
- When you save your avatar
- When you export avatars (AVAT-OUT timed event)
- When you poll Vert
- When everyone else polls Vert
- When they import avatars (AVAT-IN timed event)
On a new-ish Synchronet system, exporting, polling, and importing all happen roughly once every 30 minutes. Some people are probably polling and running events less frequently.
Just wanted to point this out since I've seen a bit of chatter about this lately. When and whether people see your new avatar depends a bit on both of your configurations.
electronic chicken bbs -
þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs -
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