From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet
To: Digital Man
I know you care about all the little details that makes this project great. Wanted to point out the following typo in the help screen when calling umonitor from the command line:
bbs@THEDUDE:~$ /sbbs/exec/umonitor -?
Synchronet UNIX Monitor 1.99-Linux Copyright 2020 Rob Swindell
Reading /sbbs/ctrl/sbbs.ini
usage: /sbbs/exec/umonitor [ctrl_dir] [options]
-c = force color mode
-e# = set escape delay to #msec
-iX = set interface mode to X (default=auto) where X is one of:
X = X11 mode
C = Curses mode
F = Curses mode with forced IBM charset
I = Curses mode with forced ASCII charset
A = ANSI mode
-l# = set screen lines to #
-s# = set idle slsep to # milliseconds (defualt: 100) <--"default"
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