From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet
To: The Millionaire
Re: What Would You Like To See More Of In Synchronet BBS?
By: The Millionaire to All on Wed Aug 12 2020 04:20 pm
1. Messages
2. Files
3. Doors/Games
4. Chat
5. Options
6. Utilities
7. Mods
Some of the answers here seem a little weird.. More messages? Synchronet supports messagebases, but messages don't just magically appear. There are plenty of message networks you can join, and there are plenty of messages on Dove-Net, FSXNet, and the other various message networks that exist.
More files? You can upload more files to your BBS yourself. Synchronet doesn't need to come with its own set of pre-configured file areas with downloadable files.
Doors/Games: This isn't specific to Synchronet, though I wonder if you're referring to doors & games ported to Synchronet JavaScript?
Mods? It's up to the community of Synchronet sysops to develop and share mods for Synchronet, and mods aren't necessarily always included with Synchronet.
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