From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet
To: poindexter FORTRAN
Re: What writes to logon.jsonl?
By: poindexter FORTRAN to All on Wed Jun 10 2020 16:53:25
My last few callers stats on ecwebv4 looks to have stopped working on May 25th - that's the date of
the last caller and the last modified date on logon.jsonl. What should be writing login into to that
A quick check for disk space and appropriate permissions on logon.jsonl is in order, though not the likely cause.
It'd be interesting to know what size that file is and how many lines are in it.
Check your web and terminal server logs for something resembling:
Error <something> opening /sbbs/data/logon.jsonl
And also:
<something> lines <some number> of /sbbs/data/logon.jsonl
The problem isn't web-specific. If you use logon.js or logonlist.js on the terminal server side, they're likely not working either.
This feature relies on logonlist_lib.js, which relies on json_lines.js, which is the likely culprit.
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