From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet
To: HusTler
Re: Question about new messages Synchronet BBS
By: HusTler to All on Sat Apr 25 2020 09:44 am
Hi all. So when I log on to the bbs the system will notify me that the user so and so sent you a new message in Dovenet General or whatever area. Then the new meesage scan continues to display all the new messages. Is there a way to have the reader go to the new messages to me? I use Digital Distortions message reader. Not sure where to look. Synchronet settings or DD message reader. If someone has sent me a message I want to read it right away. Thanks
You can address such questions to me, since I'm the developer of the Digital Distortion Message Reader. :)
If you have the loadable modules scripts from Digital Distortion Message Reader set up in SCFG > System > Loadable Modules, then the standard new-to-you functionality should invoke my message reader for the new-to-you scan (i.e., in a JavaScript shell, it would be the standard bbs.scan_subs(SCAN_TOYOU); call).
þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion:
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