Hello, everyone.
Do you guys play chess online in any BBS Door? I'd love to challenge anyone online for a good streak of chess games live. Cheers!
I'm running Chess Magic 5.1a at my system. The address should be in the
origin line, if I have that set up right... No one is playing it though, so you'd need to bring some people with you, or post in my door game message
area looking for players...
Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (ssh, telnet, pop3, ftp,nntp,
,wss) (Ports 22,23,110,21,119,8080) (ssh login 'bbs' pass 'shsbbs').
*** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
* Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere
telnet://shsbbs.net (21:2/148)