Telegram has just updated their Bit spec, and it's now possible to run/launch a JavaScript app directly from the client.
I'm not much of a JavaScript person, but glancing quickly at the spec and some examples, it occurs to me that one of the gurus in the area could possibly port a lot of the functionality of SBBS across.
This probably fits better in Future4Fido, but figured I'd mention here.
Re: Telegram and JavaScript
By: John Dovey to All on Thu Apr 21 2022 16:08:34
Telegram has just updated their Bit spec, and it's now possible to
run/launch a JavaScript app directly from the client.
I'd be curious to know more about what this actually means. Got a link?
This probably fits better in Future4Fido, but figured I'd mention here.
The FTN stuff might be easier to port, actually, but I'm trying to picture what purpose it would serve when running ... in the Telegram app, I gather? Is it useful to run a binkp mailer inside that app, for example?
Telegram has just updated their Bit spec, and it's now possible to
run/launch a JavaScript app directly from the client.
Off the top of my head, a few of the things that might fit with a bot integration might be - access to file areas
- download of mail (like a QWK door)
- a binkp like transfer of mail packets
Ah, bots. I thought you were talking about something completely different. (I'm not sure what "run/launch a JavaScript app directly from the client" means here; bots typically run standalone / implement the client themselves.)
Off the top of my head, a few of the things that might fit with a bot
integration might be - access to file areas
- download of mail (like a QWK door)
- a binkp like transfer of mail packets
Using a bot as a mailer seems a bit janky to me, but I'm probably missing something. We've already got systems in place for moving packets around. Is the goal to use Telegram's network for mail transfers, eg. my bot exchanges mail with your bot, with each BBS/node running its own bot?
This is probably a better url than the one I shared before.
for them that happened to be a BBS. The Bot talks to "clients" by polling Telegram servers, so it should be possible for an SBBS installation to have a local bot to which many users could connect. The bot would simply provide an interface to services tbe BBS provides (echos, Netmail, file areas etc). One of the interesting things is that it would get around the
Re: Telegram and JavaScript
By: John Dovey to echicken on Fri Apr 22 2022 10:35:16
Telegram has just updated their Bit spec, and it's now possible to
run/launch a JavaScript app directly from the client.
Ah, bots. I thought you were talking about something completely different. (I'm not sure what "run/launch a JavaScript app directly from the client" means here; bots typically run standalone / implement the client themselves.)
Off the top of my head, a few of the things that might fit with a bot integration might be - access to file areas
- download of mail (like a QWK door)
- a binkp like transfer of mail packets
Using a bot as a mailer seems a bit janky to me, but I'm probably missing something. We've already got systems in place for moving packets around. Is the goal to use Telegram's network for mail transfers, eg. my bot exchanges mail with your bot, with each BBS/node running its own bot?
Sysop: | Chris Crash |
Location: | Huntington Beach, CA. |
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