Telnet/Terminal Question
Rickles@VERT to
All on Mon Apr 19 22:44:38 2021
OK, something ridiculously silly...
I setup a RasPi 4 to be sort of a portable communications device and had a bit of fun doing it.
I am unable to get Qodem to compile (supposedly supports Zmodem as it did years ago). I wanted to stick with the old school terminal feel.
Telnet works just fine, but how can I transfer QWK files up and down in another way? I'd love the old school feel of a terminal package, but I'm striking out finidng anything.
I can "download" QWK via an email attachment, which works, but how can I send it back up? (Scary part, I ran a Synchronet BBS about 15 years or so ago).
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