• Solar Bee

    From Ben Longden@VERT/SOLARBEE to All on Sun Dec 11 23:33:30 2022
    Hooked up my raspberry pi BBS powered by an off grid solar panel and 300Wh LiFePo4 battery in my garden near Edinburgh, Scotland. Mostly just to see how it's done.

    Not actually open yet as it's literally 6 hours old and I only just got it hooked up to DOVE-Net (I think).

    Nice to meet you all!

    þ Synchronet þ Solar Bee
  • From Limawhiskey@VERT/CHOICE to Ben Longden on Mon Dec 12 17:46:41 2022
    Re: Solar Bee
    By: Ben Longden to All on Sun Dec 11 2022 05:33 pm

    That seems like a very cool project. I am working with a group to set up multiple bbs server nodes that will contain data on everything from first aid to agriculture instruction.

    I was wondering, are you using synchronet software on the Pi? If so, what did you need to do to adapt it to ARM?

    We considered a PI as a board option for our nodes since we have seen them work with some HAM radio packet data transmission. (we hope to make these nodes radio accessable via a net.

    Best of luck with the cool project, I thank you in advance for any insight you are willing to share.


    þ Synchronet þ 1st choice Core - 1stchoicecore.co.nz
  • From Dagent23@VERT/NSA2 to Ben Longden on Mon Dec 12 02:27:51 2022
    Re: Solar Bee
    By: Ben Longden to All on Sun Dec 11 2022 05:33 pm

    Hooked up my raspberry pi BBS powered by an off grid solar panel and 300Wh LiFePo4 battery in my garden near Edinburgh, Scotland. Mostly just to see how it's done.

    Not actually open yet as it's literally 6 hours old and I only just got it hooked up to DOVE-Net (I think).

    Nice to meet you all!

    That's pretty cool. I didn't know that Synchronet ran on Raspberry Pi! How's it running?

    þ Synchronet þ NSA2 -
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Limawhiskey on Mon Dec 12 01:28:14 2022
    Re: Solar Bee
    By: Limawhiskey to Ben Longden on Mon Dec 12 2022 11:46 am

    I was wondering, are you using synchronet software on the Pi? If so, what did you need to do to adapt it to ARM?

    digital man (rob)

    Rush quote #37:
    Ignorance and prejudice and fear go hand in hand
    Norco, CA WX: 47.3øF, 77.0% humidity, 0 mph E wind, 0.28 inches rain/24hrs
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Ben Longden@VERT/SOLARBEE to Digital Man on Mon Dec 12 20:52:50 2022
    Re: Solar Bee
    By: Digital Man to Limawhiskey on Sun Dec 11 2022 07:28 pm

    I was wondering, are you using synchronet software on the Pi? If so, what
    did you need to do to adapt it to ARM?


    Exactly this. I have it running on a raspberry pi 2b. It's old but synchronet seems to
    run on it just fine. The only thing I have enabled for now is telnet. I don't have a
    huge amount of storage on the pi but I don't suppose that's too much of an issue as as
    far as I can tell, people don't tend to use BBS software for files too much any more!

    That being said, I am also in the process of building an Amiga 1200 (original motherboard but lots of mods to bring it up to a usable machine in 2022!) so I might
    start hosting some files on here. At the moment it's just stock Synchronet so no real
    reason to open it up to the big bad internet. Yet!


    þ Synchronet þ Solar Bee
  • From Limawhiskey@VERT/CHOICE to Ben Longden on Wed Dec 14 15:17:59 2022
    Re: Solar Bee
    By: Ben Longden to Digital Man on Mon Dec 12 2022 02:52 pm

    Exactly this. I have it running on a raspberry pi 2b. It's old but
    That being said, I am also in the process of building an Amiga 1200 (original motherboard but lots of mods to bring it up to a usable machine in 2022!) so I might

    Ben and Rob,

    Thank you both for your help! It is nice to have a hand from the folks who have been doing this longer than I have lived. Ben, that Amiga 1200 project sounds like an intresting venture. Please let me know how that and your Solar Bee project work out.

    - Limawhiskey
    "Capacitor Cowboy"

    þ Synchronet þ 1st choice Core - 1stchoicecore.co.nz
  • From Margaerynne@VERT/PALANT to Ben Longden on Tue Dec 13 23:14:06 2022
    Re: Solar Bee
    By: Ben Longden to Digital Man on Mon Dec 12 2022 02:52 pm

    Exactly this. I have it running on a raspberry pi 2b. It's old but synchronet seems to
    run on it just fine. The only thing I have enabled for now is telnet. I don't have a

    I ran Synchro and Mystic side-by-side for a while just to see if I could, and the 2B didn't scream _too_ much

    Old, but still a very capable setup

    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Phigan@VERT/TACOPRON to Limawhiskey on Wed Dec 21 13:30:36 2022
    Re: Solar Bee
    By: Limawhiskey to Ben Longden on Mon Dec 12 2022 11:46 am

    We considered a PI as a board option
    for our nodes since we have seen the
    work with some HAM radio packet data
    transmission. (we hope to make these

    I'd love to know what software you use
    to get them answering on packet. Is
    there anywhere that I can see the
    progress of that project?

    þ Synchronet þ TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO TACOPRONTO.bbs.io
  • From Brianm@VERT/MAGNUMUK to Ben Longden on Wed Jan 22 22:06:49 2025
    Re: Solar Bee
    By: Ben Longden to All on Sun Dec 11 2022 17:33:30

    Hooked up my raspberry pi BBS powered by an off grid solar panel and 300Wh L >
    Not actually open yet as it's literally 6 hours old and I only just got it h >
    Nice to meet you all!

    þ Synchronet þ Solar Bee
    hello Ben , I am in glasgow and run a BBS called night Owl, you can check into it now using latest version of SyncTerm. it's a Viewdata board like Prestel wasin it's heyday and runs on a BBCmaster, via a Pi modem.


    þ Synchronet þ >>> Magnum BBS <<< - magnumbbs.net
  • From deon@VERT/ALTERANT to Brianm on Thu Jan 23 12:16:47 2025
    Re: Solar Bee
    By: Brianm to Ben Longden on Wed Jan 22 2025 10:06 pm

    Howdy Brian,

    hello Ben , I am in glasgow and run a BBS called night Owl, you can check into it now using latest version of SyncTerm. it's a Viewdata board like Prestel wasin it's heyday and runs on a BBCmaster, via a Pi modem.

    Its awesome there is another videotex service online :)

    I'd forgotten that I logged in, but when I reloaded Syncterm (been talking with Deuce who has fixed up some Prestel rendering), I saw it in there in my phone book.

    Syncterm should now be the term emulator for Prestel/Videotex BBSes - he's got the emulating working perfectly. I'll now need to add more frames to my BBS now that its easier to get to it... :)


    þ Synchronet þ AnsiTEX bringing back videotex but with ANSI