Any impressions ?
I'll watch it, but not confortable with the jj abram look of it all, hard to see it as a prequel.
Any impressions ?
I'll watch it, but not confortable with the jj abram look of it all, hard to see it as a prequel.
I didn't realize the premiere had aired on Sunday, so I missed it. I might have to find an alternate way to watch it.
A similar complaint about the appearance was said about Star Trek: Enterprise back in 2001 also, that it looked too modern to be a prequel. I can agree with that, but at the same time, I think modern technology plays a part in that. Naturally it might look a bit more modern due to the
A similar complaint about the appearance was said about Star Trek: Enterprise back in 2001 also, that it looked too modern to be a prequel. I can agree with that, but at the same time, I think modern technology plays
a part in that. Naturally it might look a bit more modern due to the production. Perhaps they could put more effort into making it look
pre-TOS, but on the other hand, I think technology is progressing faster in some ways than TOS had predicted. For instance, in TOS, they used communicators that seem to be only for audio communication, whereas now we already have smartphones that can do so much more.
I'll watch it, but not confortable with the jj abram look of it all, hard to see it as a prequel.
i didnt know it was a prequel. yes, it's way too advanced looking for that.
Don't have a problem with Klingon look too, the budgets got better that all. But theirs tech look so much advance vs the federation where in the original tech was more on par. Maybe it just look advance but it's not. I guess we see during the rest of the season.
Re: Star Trek Discovery
By: Ennev to All on Wed Sep 27 2017 12:40 pm
As a follow-up to my previous messages - I'm getting a bit tired of prequels. I'd like to see a new Star Trek series or movie that takes place either after TNG/DS9/Voyager or between the original series and Next Generation. There's about 70 years between the original series and the next generation, and it would be interesting to see something that fills a bit of that gap. We only saw the Enterprise B and C once in an official Star Trek production, and I think it would be interesting to see a TV series or some movies that center around those crews.
Ennev wrote to All <=-
@TZ: c12c
Any impressions ?
I'll watch it, but not confortable with the jj abram look of it all,
hard to see it as a prequel.
MRO wrote to Ennev <=-
orville is good, kinda.
Ennev wrote to Nightfox <=-
I kind of agree with you in a sense, it has to look like it's from our future.
It really took the JJ Abram kind of "universe" even it's it supposed to
be a non-kelvin universe set in the original timeline.
Don't have a problem with Klingon look too, the budgets got better that all. But theirs tech look so much advance vs the federation where in
the original tech was more on par. Maybe it just look advance but it's not. I guess we see during the rest of the season.
Nightfox wrote to Ennev <=-
As a follow-up to my previous messages - I'm getting a bit tired of prequels. I'd like to see a new Star Trek series or movie that takes
place either after TNG/DS9/Voyager or between the original series and
Next Generation. There's about 70 years between the original series
and the next generation, and it would be interesting to see something
that fills a bit of that gap. We only saw the Enterprise B and C once
in an official Star Trek production, and I think it would be
interesting to see a TV series or some movies that center around those crews.
1. Continue Enterprise, focus on the Romulan war (which would have started in season 5 or 6 had it continued), and how that led to the Federation.
2. So as you said above and do something with the Enterprise B or C
3. Go even further into the future, somehwere in the next few centuries issues such as managing time travel (well established by the 26th century, apparently) would crop up.
Nightfox wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Going further into the future would be interesting. But I wouldn't
mind seeing more with the DS9 or Voyager crews - perhaps some movies.
Even some more movies with the TNG crew would have been good. IMO
Nemesis wasn't that great, and Insurrection was just okay, but perhaps they could have gotten some different writers. I did like First
Contact and Generations (I know Generations generally has its
criticisms, but I liked it).
Going further into the future would be interesting. But I wouldn't
Would also solve the issue of having to make the ships look more hi tech to suit current audiences. :)
Nightfox wrote to Vk3jed <=-
That's true. Though I think we've seen so little of the Enterprise B
and C time periods that it could possibly be made to look sufficiently high-tech to satisfy audiences.
That reminds me, one thing I thought was silly about the movie Star
Trek V (The Final Frontier) was it seemed they were trying to make the Enterprise-A look almost as futuristic as the Enterprise D, with the smooth flat touch panels and hallway corridors etc. (although I think
the refit Enterprise in The Motion Picture also had similar hallways).
I'll watch it and wonder how badly a full movie version of Axanar would kick its' ass.
it would be nice if they could come up with something new and original. they just cant. so they do prequels
Any impressions ?
I'll watch it, but not confortable with the jj abram look of it all, hard to see it as a prequel.
I think that Discovery would have been a much better show if it had started 70-100 years after TNG/DS9/Voyager.
They wouldn't want to do that. Let's face it. The real reason Discovery is on CBS All Access is because they thought it would fail if they put it on regular TV.
And sadly, they're probably right. However there seem to be enough people willing to cough up $5.99/$9.99 per month to warrant putting it on streaming only.
But I had a harder time with some of the plot bits: The captain and first officer alone performing a mission on a planet; having to send a single person in a space suit to investigate the weird object (surely they have small probes); and the end of episode 1 (avoiding spoilers).
As far as the Klingons, no, I don't like the look. Too much like the "Uruk-hai" in the Lord of the Rings (similar to how the Remans from Nemesis were very similar to LOTR orcs). The prosthetics are also interfering with their speech. It's really muffled.
But I had a harder time with some of the plot bits: The captain and first officer alone performing a mission on a planet; having to send a single person in a space suit to investigate the weird object (surely they have small probes); and the end of episode 1 (avoiding spoilers).
Nightfox wrote to The Navigator <=-
I'm not sure.. I feel like it's the opposite, that there probably
aren't enough people willing to subscribe to yet another streaming
service for just one show. I've seen a lot of comments online to that effect. I'd like to watch it but I'd rather not add another monthly
fee on top of what I already have. I already dropped basic table TV service a couple years ago in favor of online streaming services
(Amazon Prime and Netflix); the whole point was to save money. So I'm just not really willing to subscribe to yet another service for just
one show. I've heard Netflix is carrying Discovery outside the US..
Would be nice if they'd carry it in the US too.
Maybe I'll just go watch The Orville..
Nightfox wrote to Kirkman <=-
Yeah, I don't think the look of the Klingons in Discovery fit into the timeline. The TOS Klingons looked more human, and since Discovery
takes place about 10 years before TOS, they should look more like the
TOS Klingons at that point in time.
yeah, really. lets risk the most important people instead of the red shirt guys.
Nightfox wrote to Kirkman <=-
Yeah, I don't think the look of the Klingons in Discovery fit into the timeline. The TOS Klingons looked more human, and since Discovery takes place about 10 years before TOS, they should look more like the TOS Klingons at that point in time.
Especially since Enterprise did explain why the TOS klingons looked so human.
Yes, perhaps a post Voyager return scenario. based out of DS9, maybe even
in the Gamma Quadrant with the Dominion now somewhat friendly towards the Federation (thanks to Odo) and under threat from some other species -
either something the Federation has successfully dealt with before (e.g. Borg), or a powerful species who respond better to a more concilliatory approach than the Dominion normally take, maybe something like Species 8472 or similar, who did open dialogue with the Voyager crew. Just thinking out loud. :)
Yes, I liked First Contact the most of those 4 movies, but then again, it's hard to fail when the Borg are central characters. :) Didn't mind the others though.
I'll watch it and wonder how badly a full movie version of Axanar would kick its' ass.
Amen. That would be badass.
As far as the Klingons, no, I don't like the look. Too much like the "Uruk-hai" in the Lord of the Rings (similar to how the Remans from Nemesis were very similar to LOTR orcs). The prosthetics are also interfering with their speech. It's really muffled.
I'm not sure.. I feel like it's the opposite, that there probably aren't enough people willing to subscribe to yet another streaming service for
just one show. I've seen a lot of comments online to that effect. I'd
like to watch it but I'd rather not add another monthly fee on top of what
I already have. I already dropped basic table TV service a couple years
ago in favor of online streaming services (Amazon Prime and Netflix); the whole point was to save money. So I'm just not really willing to subscribe to yet another service for just one show. I've heard Netflix is carrying Discovery outside the US.. Would be nice if they'd carry it in the US too.
Maybe I'll just go watch The Orville..
Yeah, it seemed a bit odd for the captain & first officer to be away on a mission. Shouldn't the captain stay on the ship where it's safer? TNG did have the first officer going away on missions too though..
Especially since Enterprise did explain why the TOS klingons looked so human.
MRO wrote to Vk3jed <=-
i thought the story was that they looked 'human' back in TOS, then
there was some type of genetic disease that 'they dont talk about' that made them look like tng klingon
Re: Star Trek Discovery
By: MRO to Kirkman on Fri Sep 29 2017 05:24 pm
yeah, really. lets risk the most important people instead of the red shirt guys.
In The Next Generation, there were many episodes where Riker (the 1st officer) went on away missions. It doesn't really make much sense to send such an important officer when you think about it. Captain Picard usually stayed on the ship though, except for a couple rare missions (from what I recall).
myself i just feel lucky, it's on Space channel, so I already had this channel for Doctor Who, so I see it has a freebie!
Maybe I'll just go watch The Orville..
Love the Orville, was skeptical, but i love it.
MRO wrote to Vk3jed <=-
i thought the story was that they looked 'human' back in TOS, then there was some type of genetic disease that 'they dont talk about' that made them look like tng klingon
Was the other way around. They normally look like they did in TNG and Enterprise, but when the attempt to use human augment DNA during the time of Enterprise went wrong, many Klingons looked more human for a while (including during TOS).
ah, i dont like that explaination. i prefer the next generation
Ennev wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Yes, I don't understand why recent attempt to revive Star Trek are prequel, why just not continue with the timeline as it was with tng,
ds9, voyager.
Maybe they just have to admit to themselves that Star Trek don't really translate to movies. 2 hrs movies every 2 years it's kind of hard to
make stories where you develop characters and intrigue.
Ennev wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Especially since Enterprise did explain why the TOS klingons looked so human.
True, they did find such an elegant way to explain it all, now it's all ruined :-(
That's was a good way to prequel stuff.
Was also fun in DS9 when Worf didn't want to explain it to Dax :-D
Ennev wrote to Nightfox <=-
myself i just feel lucky, it's on Space channel, so I already had this channel for Doctor Who, so I see it has a freebie!
Maybe I'll just go watch The Orville..
Love the Orville, was skeptical, but i love it.
In The Next Generation, there were many episodes where Riker (the 1st officer) went on away missions. It doesn't really make much sense to send such an important officer when you think about it. Captain Picard usually stayed on the ship though, except for a couple rare missions (from what I recall).
i thought the story was that they looked 'human' back in TOS, then there was some type of genetic disease that 'they dont talk about' that made them look like tng klingon
Was the other way around. They normally look like they did in TNG and
Enterprise, but when the attempt to use human augment DNA during the
time of Enterprise went wrong, many Klingons looked more human for a
while (including during TOS).
ah, i dont like that explaination. i prefer the next generation explaination
ah, i dont like that explaination. i prefer the next generation explaination
What was the next generation explanation ?
translate to movies. 2 hrs movies every 2 years it's kind of hard to make stories where you develop characters and intrigue.
True, Trek works best as a series, where plotlines can develop over a period of time.
But Enterprise later had a multi-episode arc involving Arik Soong and the Khan-style Augments, and a later two-part arc following up, that attempted to explain the Klingons change of appearance as the result of a virus.
Was the other way around. They normally look like they did in TNG and
Enterprise, but when the attempt to use human augment DNA during the
time of Enterprise went wrong, many Klingons looked more human for a
while (including during TOS).
ah, i dont like that explaination. i prefer the next generation explaination
I don't remember The Next Generation ever addreasing why the Klingons
looked different. Only the DS9 episode where Worf didn't want to talk about it, and genetic manipulation in Ennterprise.
well i've got a pretty good memory for dumb shit aI snd it stuck in there.
i didnt watch the enterprise ep where it talked about klingons
i'm pretty sure they were human like in appearance first, then something happened and they got the ridges.
I'll watch it, but not confortable with the jj abram look of it all, hard to see it as a prequel.
well i've got a pretty good memory for dumb shit aI snd it stuck in there. i didnt watch the enterprise ep where it talked about klingons
i'm pretty sure they were human like in appearance first, then something happened and they got the ridges.
Enterprise explained it as they had the ridfes originally and then they were doing genetic experiments with human DNA which removed their ridges for a while. They eventually got the ridges again. I don't remember the Next Generation talking about that (and I've watched the Next Gemeration several times) but I suppose maybe I just don't remember.
MRO wrote to Vk3jed <=-
those new startrek movies are pretty damn good though.
those new startrek movies are pretty damn good though.
Re: Re: Star Trek Discovery
By: MRO to Vk3jed on Sat Sep 30 2017 05:53 pm
those new startrek movies are pretty damn good though.
I think they're fun to watch, but they're part of the prequel/reboot craze which I'm getting a bit tired of. There are plenty of other things they can do with Star Trek that I'd rather see.
Nightfox wrote to MRO <=-
I think they're fun to watch, but they're part of the prequel/reboot
craze which I'm getting a bit tired of. There are plenty of other
things they can do with Star Trek that I'd rather see.
MRO wrote to Nightfox <=-
I think they're fun to watch, but they're part of the prequel/reboot craze which I'm getting a bit tired of. There are plenty of other things they can do with Star Trek that I'd rather see.
those new startrek movies are pretty damn good though.
I think they're fun to watch, but they're part of the prequel/reboot
craze which I'm getting a bit tired of. There are plenty of other
things they can do with Star Trek that I'd rather see.
they gave themself a lot of material to work with. they dont even have to do a federation related show. they could do a marquis show or anything.
Nightfox wrote to MRO <=-
Are you still referring to the new Star Trek movies, or the new
Discovery show?
After watching episode 3 of Discovery, all I can say is "Hrmmmmm". As a show, it was good, but not sure how they're going to work it into canon, and it's looking like it's taking a bit out of Frank Herbet's "Dune". Not going to say any more, because SPOILERS!. :)
The Marquis did end up annihilated by the Dominion (references in DS9 and Voyager). But I'd like to see something involving the Dominion. With the
Voyager). But I'd like to see something involving the Dominion. With the addition of Odo's experiences into the Great Link, the relationship between the Federation and the Dominion are likely to improve. Definitely potential there.
As a follow-up to my previous messages - I'm getting a bit tired of prequels. I'd like to see a new Star Trek series or movie that takes place either after TNG/DS9/Voyager or between the original series and Next Generation.
Enterprise explained it as they had the ridfes originally and then they
were doing genetic experiments with human DNA which removed their ridges
for a while. They eventually got the ridges again. I don't remember the
Next Generation talking about that (and I've watched the Next Gemeration several times) but I suppose maybe I just don't remember.
The Marquis did end up annihilated by the Dominion (references in DS9 and
Nightfox wrote to Vk3jed <=-
It's a bit difficult for me to watch Discovery now that it's only on
CBS' streaming service, which I'm not subscribed to.. I could find ways
to download it, but I'm not sure I'm excited to watch more of it, after the first 2 episodes.
MRO wrote to Vk3jed <=-
there were still some around. just not large groups. no idea how the cardassian situation is after ds9 ended, so dont know if the marquis
are needed.
Voyager). But I'd like to see something involving the Dominion. With the addition of Odo's experiences into the Great Link, the relationship between the Federation and the Dominion are likely to improve. Definitely potential there.
yeah they missed out on a lot of stories with what went on in that quadrant of space.
Nightfox wrote to Vk3jed <=-
The Marquis did end up annihilated by the Dominion (references in DS9 and
I used to always think it was "Marquis", but I learned the group is actually the "Maquis" (no 'r').
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Nightfox <=-
I'd like to see Riker in command, see the change in his character as he moves to the center seat. The Federation was in dire straits after the dominion war, and Garak was one of the most entertaining characters on
DS9 - would love to see what happened to him afterwards.
Yes, DS9 was fertile ground for a lot of new stories after the Dominion War, and Riker in command was long overdue for portrayal on TV. We've seen him develop as first officer, so the transition to captain would have been well worth exploring.
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Nightfox <=-
I'd like to see Riker in command, see the change in his character as he moves to the center seat. The Federation was in dire straits after the dominion war, and Garak was one of the most entertaining characters on DS9 - would love to see what happened to him afterwards.
Yes, DS9 was fertile ground for a lot of new stories after the Dominion War, and Riker in command was long overdue for portrayal on TV. We've seen him develop as first officer, so the transition to captain would have been well worth exploring.
I remember at least a couple times on TNG when Riker was asked why he hadn't accepted his own command yet when offered. Riker had always said he felt like it was a privilege to serve on the Enterprise or something to that effect.
I suppose some might have a problem with being on the flagship of the fleet then taking command of an older, smaller, less capable ship.
Nightfox wrote to Vk3jed <=-
I remember at least a couple times on TNG when Riker was asked why he hadn't accepted his own command yet when offered. Riker had always
said he felt like it was a privilege to serve on the Enterprise or something to that effect. I figured they did that just to keep the
cast of the show intact. :)
MRO wrote to Vk3jed <=-
with all this talk about startrek i download everything again. i have
it on dvd but dont want to be bothered with the discs.
i think ds9 was the best startrek show for the most part.
certainly the most human show
I don't know if they still have the book series on USS Titan. Thing is book are not cannon, but the way the franchise is driven theses day what is !
Yes, I recall those discussions on the show too. Riker would have made a great captain, with his experience under Picard.
i think ds9 was the best startrek show for the most part.
certainly the most human show
It's canon enough that people know what the Titan looks like. :)
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Right up until Riker took command of the Melbourne and Locutus blew
them into space at Wolf 359.
Nightfox wrote to MRO <=-
I was bummed when Jadzia was killed off. Ezri (her replacement) was
only on the show for the last season, and I don't think that's much
time to get to know a character.
I thought DS9 was pretty good, though I still feel like TNG was my favorite. The whole thing with the Bajoran religion and thir prophets
on DS9 always seemed a little out there. And they thought Sisko was
some kind of leader in their religion, from what I remember..
Yes, I recall those discussions on the show too. Riker would have made a great captain, with his experience under Picard.
I like All of the Star Trek series, each for different reasons. DS9 was another show that got off to a slow start, but it really found its feet within a season or two. The latter seasons are ones I can watch over and over.
I was bummed when Jadzia was killed off. Ezri (her replacement) was only on the show for the last season, and I don't think that's much time to get to know a character.
The whole thing with the Bajoran religion and thir prophets on DS9 always seemed a little out there. And they thought Sisko was some kind of leader in their religion, from what I remember..
Yes, I recall those discussions on the show too. Riker would have
made a great captain, with his experience under Picard.
he looked better when he didnt hit the all you can eat buffet every day
also ds9 has 26 eps a year. some of these shows today bitch about getting 10 episodes shot!
Re: Re: Star Trek Discovery
By: MRO to Vk3jed on Thu Oct 05 2017 05:54 pm
Yes, I recall those discussions on the show too. Riker would have
made a great captain, with his experience under Picard.
he looked better when he didnt hit the all you can eat buffet every day
Also, it seemed like many shows back in the day ran for 7 seasons and sometimes more. These days, it seems that shows get canceled earlier more often. IMO Star Trek: Enterprise could have probably gone on for a few more seasons if they hadn't canceled it. I thought its season 3 was not so great but it was getting better again with season 4.
MRO wrote to Vk3jed <=-
he looked better when he didnt hit the all you can eat buffet every day
MRO wrote to Vk3jed <=-
also ds9 has 26 eps a year. some of these shows today bitch about
getting 10 episodes shot!
Nightfox wrote to MRO <=-
Also, it seemed like many shows back in the day ran for 7 seasons and sometimes more. These days, it seems that shows get canceled earlier
more often. IMO Star Trek: Enterprise could have probably gone on for
a few more seasons if they hadn't canceled it. I thought its season 3
was not so great but it was getting better again with season 4.
MRO wrote to Nightfox <=-
also, i looked better when i didnt do that
i think ds9 was the best startrek show for the most part.
certainly the most human show
I was bummed when Jadzia was killed off. Ezri (her replacement) was only on the show for the last season, and I don't think that's much time to get to know a character.
DS9 had quite a bit of story arc, which is a unique thing and was good for the show, but I also liked that TNG was more of a one-story-per-episode show where they could address a lot of different topics and themes on the show.
IMO Star Trek: Enterprise could have probably gone on for a few
more seasons if they hadn't canceled it. I thought its season 3 was not so great but it was getting better again with season 4.
i think it's better to go out on a high note than just beat the show to death.
Beyond the continuing storyline, I feel like DS9 is really the only series where the characters all changed appreciably. None of them are the same at the end of the show as they were at the beginning. Some of the changes were more profound than others, particularly Sisko, Bashir, Kira, and Odo. Or Garak, perhaps the most interesting character in all of Star Trek.
In TNG, the characters more or less remain the same. Data ends up getting an emotion chip (finally) in the movies, but besides that? You could perhaps make a case for Worf. He has the longest personal arc within TNG, and goes through a lot of family stuff. But day in and day out, he's mostly the same guy on that show.
Enterprise went off in some goofy directions with the temporal cold war, and the off-kilter portrayal of Vulcans. ENT had Vulcans wrong from the beginning, and that always bothered me.
In Season 4 they got a new producer, and they started making stories
that I cared about. Stories that had surprising connections to the other shows (particularly TOS, but even DS9) and brought back Orions, Andorians, etc. And they found a way to fix the Vulcan story.
also ds9 has 26 eps a year. some of these shows today bitch about
getting 10 episodes shot!
Most Trek did - TNG, (except season 1), DS9, Voyager (except season 1),
It's a shame they didn't get a chance to go a little farther with Manny
Coto at the helm. It could have been a fantastic show, they just didn't get off to the right start.
What was wrong with the Vulcans? I don't particularly remember anything wrong. Just different, perhaps, in that the Vulcans capable of mind-melding were a minority and Vulcan society hadn't accepted them yet.
Vulcans until season 4 weren't following the teaching of Surak, they where more militaristic and control with theirs central "high command" government. They would not slow down humans and other species after this.
I remember that.. Weren't they following the teachings of a Vulcan named T'Pau? And I don't remember offhand, did T'Pau bring back the teachings of Surak? I remember hearing that T'Pau was a Vulcan character in the
Original Series (I didn't watch much of the original series). There was also a pop band in the late 80s-early 90s named T'Pau. :P
Nightfox wrote to Vk3jed <=-
I believe TNG's season 2 was shorter at 22 episodes. I heard there was
a writer's strike that year.
Nightfox wrote to Ennev <=-
I remember that.. Weren't they following the teachings of a Vulcan
named T'Pau? And I don't remember offhand, did T'Pau bring back the teachings of Surak? I remember hearing that T'Pau was a Vulcan
Yes she was teaching Surak's and was considered a terrorist by the high command. I don't think it's been officially mentioned by yes, people are lead to think that she's the same T'Pau seen in the original series and movies. Vulcan could live that old.
MRO wrote to Nightfox <=-
also, i looked better when i didnt do that
LOL I never did it, besides I've remained extremely active. :)
Speaking of Vulcans' age, considering that Spock was half human, I'm somewhat surprised Spock lived into the TNG era and was still quite active (until even the Romulan incident transporting him back in time in JJ
Abrams' 2009 Star Trek). I wouldn't expect him to live as long as a full Vulcan, since he was half human.
Yeah might have been season 2, but there was definitely a shorter season of TNG, and Voyager season 1 was only 16 episodes.
MRO wrote to Vk3jed <=-
just got back from all you can eat crablegs and prime rib buffet.
you are missing out
Ennev wrote to Nightfox <=-
I think that back then even humans seem to reach older ages like mccoy etc. But it's maybe just a ploy to get actor from the original series
show up :-D
Re: Re: Star Trek Discovery
By: Vk3jed to Nightfox on Sat Oct 07 2017 09:13 am
Yeah might have been season 2, but there was definitely a shorter season of TNG, and Voyager season 1 was only 16 episodes.
From what I remember, Voyager's season 1 started in January, and most TV shows start in September. They usually go until June, so the late start would explain Voyager season 1 only having 16 episodes.
Humans were said to live until around 120 in the 23rd and 24th centuries, thanks to better medical technology.
Nightfox wrote to Vk3jed <=-
From what I remember, Voyager's season 1 started in January, and most
TV shows start in September. They usually go until June, so the late start would explain Voyager season 1 only having 16 episodes.
MRO wrote to Vk3jed <=-
yeah but back in the adam and eve, noah days people lived hundreds of years!
Yes, I recall those discussions on the show too. Riker would have made a great captain, with his experience under Picard.
i think ds9 was the best startrek show for the most part.
certainly the most human show
I like All of the Star Trek series, each for different reasons. DS9 was another show that got off to a slow start, but it really found its feet within a season or two. The latter seasons are ones I can watch over and over.
Re: Re: Star Trek Discovery
By: Vk3jed to Nightfox on Thu Oct 05 2017 08:07 am
Yes, I recall those discussions on the show too. Riker would have made a great captain, with his experience under Picard.
Right up until Riker took command of the Melbourne and Locutus blew them into space at Wolf 359.
Nightfox wrote to Vk3jed <=-
From what I remember, Voyager's season 1 started in January, and most TV shows start in September. They usually go until June, so the late start would explain Voyager season 1 only having 16 episodes.
I can't comment on that, because release cycles of US shows are not so well defined here, especially prior to the last few years.
MRO wrote to Vk3jed <=-
yeah but back in the adam and eve, noah days people lived hundreds of years! [0m
And do you have any more evidence than hearsay from a translation dozens of generations old? ;)
Yes, I recall those discussions on the show too. Riker would have
made a great captain, with his experience under Picard.
he was too busy boning holagrams.
every since i saw kate mulgroon try to flirt with conan [puke], voyager was a big turnoff to me. i wanted to like enterprise but it had too many problems.
i liked tng and ds9. i especially liked the fact that sisko hated picard due to his wife dying when picard was locutus.
Re: Re: Star Trek Discovery
By: MRO to Vk3jed on Mon Oct 09 2017 04:21 pm
Yes, I recall those discussions on the show too. Riker would have
made a great captain, with his experience under Picard.
he was too busy boning holagrams.
Not just holograms (which was just one time, if I remember right), but guests and people he met on Risa also.
And he still ended up getting back together and getting married to Deanna Troi..
every since i saw kate mulgroon try to flirt with conan [puke], voyager was a big turnoff to me. i wanted to like enterprise but it had too many problems.
I suppose an argument could be made that Picard and Locutus were 2 different people. Picard didn't really have any control over what he was doing as Locutus, since Locutus was under the control of the Borg. In the episode after that incident, when Picard went to visit his brother, Picard broke down crying and said he was trying to fight what was happening but was powerless against the Borg.
MRO wrote to Vk3jed <=-
there was a new station from paramount named UPN. voyager was one of
the shows they spawned and they hoped it would generate some pull to
the network.
later upn (paramount) and WB (warner bros network) became the CW
MRO wrote to Vk3jed <=-
i dont really give a shit one way or the other.
maybe people really did live longer until they picked up a genetic
MRO wrote to Vk3jed <=-
i dont really give a shit one way or the other.
maybe people really did live longer until they picked up a genetic defect.
I highly doubt that. In fact, given the lifespan of our nearest relatives, it's more likely our lifespans have _increased_ as we evolved.
Beyond the continuing storyline, I feel like DS9 is really the only series where the characters all changed appreciably. None of them are the same at the end of the show as they were at the beginning. Some of the changes were more profound than others, particularly Sisko, Bashir, Kira, and Odo. Or Garak, perhaps the most interesting character in all of Star Trek.
There were some interesting dialogue bits in Voyager about the fact that they were stuck, career-wise. There was little opportunity for advancement unless someone died -- Harry Kim joked that he would be the oldest ensign in Starfleet when they got back home.
Re: Re: Star Trek Discovery
By: Kirkman to Nightfox on Fri Oct 06 2017 09:48 am
Beyond the continuing storyline, I feel like DS9 is really the only series where the characters all changed appreciably. None of them are the same at the end of the show as they were at the beginning. Some of the changes were more profound than others, particularly Sisko, Bashir, Kira, and Odo. Or Garak, perhaps the most interesting character in all of Star Trek.
Love Garak.
One of my favorite Voyager episodes was 'Timeless', when Voyager had crashed on a planet and was buried in ice and the only 2 survivors were Harry Kim and Chakotay. 15 years(?) into the future, Kim and Chakotay had made it back home, and they decided to steal a ship so they could go send a message
One of my favorite Voyager episodes was 'Timeless', when Voyager had crashed on a planet and was buried in ice and the only 2 survivors were Harry Kim and Chakotay. 15 years(?) into the future, Kim and Chakotay
had made it back home, and they decided to steal a ship so they could go send a message back in time to help Voyager avoid the crash. I remember Harry Kim had become cynical as his future self. And he had recorded a message for his younger self ("from Harry Kim to Harry Kim"). I
remember LeVar Burton having a cameo in that episode too as Captain LaForge in the future (he had a Galaxy-class starship).
Timeless is one of my favorites as well. I also really enjoyed Future's End. I liked a lot of them, Voyager had a lot of good episodes.
Timeless is one of my favorites as well. I also really enjoyed Future's End. I liked a lot of them, Voyager had a lot of good episodes.
I often thought Voyager was a bit cheesy/campy, but I watched it. Aside from Timeless, some of my other favorite episodes were some that centered on the doctor (the one where he wanted to implement the Emergency Command Hologram, and the one where they visited a planet that didn't know music and they were obsessed with the doctor's singing). I also liked the episodes where they visited Fair Haven in the holodeck, and also the one where they visited the fast-spinning planet where time moved a lot faster on the planet than nearby space (Voyager was stuck near the planet for just a few hours but it ended up being a few thousand years down on the planet). I thought Future's End was good too. And also the finale episode..
Sorry to interrupt the Star Trek chatter but what do you guys think about The Orville? I've been having a good time with it. As much as I love Star Trek I've always felt like there wasn't enough banter and bs'ing about it as a job (which was something I learned everyone does after my time in the service.) This show feels like it hits that note beautifully and it's not a bad show so far.
Sorry to interrupt the Star Trek chatter but what do you guys think about The Orville? I've been having a good time with it. As much as I love Star Trek I've always felt like there wasn't enough banter and bs'ing about it as a job (which was something I learned everyone does after my time in the service.) This show feels like it hits that note beautifully and it's not a bad show so far.
it's "not true Star Trek" or will be as bad as they think Discovery is.. I
it's "not true Star Trek" or will be as bad as they think Discovery
is.. I
For being such a "Bad" show, it's been renewed for a 4th season. :)
I've heard Discovery was renewed for a 4th season, but season 3 hasn't even been shown yet. :P I'm not quite sure how that works..
I've heard Discovery was renewed for a 4th season, but season 3
hasn't even been shown yet. :P I'm not quite sure how that works..
They just finished filming Season 3. Scuttlebutt that I've heard is that we will probably see it drop in like March.
Nightfox wrote to Lupine Furmen <=-
I don't know how they decided to renew it for a season 4 when they
haven't shown season 3 yet. What if its popularity drops and a lot of people stop watching it in season 3?
I don't know how they decided to renew it for a season 4 when they
haven't shown season 3 yet. What if its popularity drops and a lot
of people stop watching it in season 3?
They probably want to film back-to-back seasons to save production costs. Science Fiction is expensive.
They've already renewed Picard for a second season before it premiered!
Nightfox wrote to Lupine Furmen <=-
I don't know how they decided to renew it for a season 4 when they haven't shown season 3 yet. What if its popularity drops and a lot of people stop watching it in season 3?
They probably want to film back-to-back seasons to save production costs. Science Fiction is expensive.
They've already renewed Picard for a second season before it premiered!
... Work at a different speed
Moondog wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
Patrick Stewart is no spring chicken. I wish for him to live long and prosper, however I imagine his health and age are catching up with him.
Moondog wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
Patrick Stewart is no spring chicken. I wish for him to live long and prosper, however I imagine his health and age are catching up with him.
I hope I look and feel as good as he does at his age.
I saw a picture of Chuck Norris at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas last week. He is near 80, and beginning to lose some muscle mass.
Re: Re: Star Trek Discovery
By: poindexter FORTRAN to Moondog on Wed Jan 15 2020 07:18 am
Moondog wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
Patrick Stewart is no spring chicken. I wish for him to live long a prosper, however I imagine his health and age are catching up with h
I hope I look and feel as good as he does at his age.
I saw a picture of Chuck Norris at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas last week. He is near 80, and beginning to lose some muscle mass.
Moondog wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
I saw a picture of Chuck Norris at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas last
week. He is near 80, and beginning to lose some muscle mass.
i'm sure you're right, but remember that what we see on tv isnt the same as
what we see with our real eyes. the colors arent the same, and short people seem normal size and six foot people look like giants.
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