From Sam@VERT/SKYLABSY to All on Sat Apr 19 13:34:04 2014
Hi everyone, Skylab Skytems BBS#1 ( if the telnet doesnt work use
been having small problem with telnet using be
fixed soon)
We will be having a online Trout Derby Starting May 1st and will end
May 30th there will be 3 prize winners. Winners will win $$$ Cash NO not
fake money REAL MONEY, You must be a registered user of Skylab Systems
BBS #1 you must also use questioner so we get all info to use with the
Derby, Go to the bbs and read the rules! Tell your Freinds! The
lake(SKYLAB Lake) will be stocked with all kinds of trout, Dont Miss out
on this Derby! Should be alot of FUN!!! If the donations keep coming in
these Derby's could be a Monthly Event....