Hi everyone.
I just thought I would list some of the files which I now have up for you t download.
My BBS Name: Paranor BBS
Address: jaio.no-ip.org <standard port>
Website: http://www.justallinone.com
4D-BOX~1.ZIP A 3961k 4D-Boxing.zip
688ATT~1.ZIP B 680k 688 Attack Sub (1989)(Electronic Arts Inc)1.zip AIVNET~1.ZIP D 5251k A IV Network (1995)(Infogrames)1.zip
ARMORE~1.ZIP E37196k Armored Fist (1994)(Nova Logic).zip
ASCEND~1.ZIP F42168k Ascendancy.zip
ATAC(1~1.ZIP G 1591k Atac (1992)(Microprose Software Inc)1.zip
B52FLY~1.ZIP H 4222k B52 Flying Fortress.zip
BAA31E~1.ZIP I 428k Battletech The Crescent Hawks Inception (1988)(Infocom) BAC68B~1.ZIP J 1278k Battletech The Crescent Hawks Revenge (1989)(Infocom)1. BACE88~1.ZIP K 411k Battles Of Napoleon (1989)(Strategic Simulations Inc)1. BASSTO~1.ZIP L 216k Basstour (1992)(Dick Olsen).zip
BATTLE~1.ZIP M 542k Battle Chess (1989)(Interplay).zip
BATTLE~2.ZIP N 4560k Battle Chess 4000 (1992)(Interplay)1.zip
BATTLE~3.ZIP O 1001k Battle Chess II Chinese Chess (1990)(Interplay)1.zip BATTLE~4.ZIP P 4424k Battle Isle 2 (1994)(Blue Byte)1.zip
BEGIN2~1.ZIP Q 265k Begin 2 A Tactical Starship Simulation (1991)(Clockwork BEGINS~1.ZIP R 173k Begins 16 Tactical Starship Simulation (1991)(Clockwork BLAKES~1.ZIP S 1838k Blake Stone (1994)(Formgen Wizardworks Software)1.zip BLAKES~2.ZIP T 2176k Blake Stone Planet Strike (1994)(Formgen Wizardworks So BLOODB~1.ZIP U 17k Blood Bowl (1995)(Microleague).zip
BLUEAN~1.ZIP V 1510k Blue And The Gray The (1993)(Impressions Games)1.zip BUZZAL~1.ZIP W20704k Buzz Aldrins Race Into Space (1993)(Avalon Interactive) CASTLE~1.ZIP X 1026k Castles (1991)(Interplay)(Rev).zip
CASTLE~2.ZIP Y 6004k Castles II Siege And Conquest (1992)(Interplay).zip CASTLE~3.ZIP Z 1544k Castles The Northern Campaign (1991)(Interplay).zip CENTUR~1.ZIP A 937k Centurion Defender Of Rome (1990)(Electronic Arts Inc). CIVILW~1.ZIP B 7880k Civil War (1997)(Dagger Interactive Technologies).zip Coleco .zip C 2542k
COMANC~1.ZIP D 3945k Comanche Maximum Overkill (1992)(Novalogic).zip CONQUE~1.ZIP E56670k Conquest of the New World.zip
CONQUE~2.ZIP F 7214k Conquests Of The Longbow The Legend Of Robin Hood (1993 CRISIS~1.ZIP G 6188k Crisis In The Kremlin (1991)(Spectrum Holobyte Inc)1.zi CRUSAD~1.ZIP H35489k Crusader No Regret (1996)(Origin)11.zip
CRUSAD~2.ZIP I30331k Crusader No Remorse (1995)(Origin).zip
DAGGER~1.ZIP J 100M DaggerFall.zip
DARKLA~1.ZIP K13367k Darklands (1992)(Microprose Software Inc)(Rev1)1.zip DARKSU~1.ZIP L11250k Dark Sun Wake of the Ravager.zip
DARK_S~1.ZIP M 8112k Dark_Sun_-_Shattered_Lands_ADD_Strategic_Simulations199 DASBOO~1.ZIP N 507k Das Boot.zip
DAWNPA~1.ZIP O 5745k Dawn Patrol (1994)(Empire Interactive Entertainment).zi DDAYAM~1.ZIP P 1851k D Day America Invades (1994)(Impressions).zip DEFEND~1.ZIP Q 261k Defender Of The Crown (1986)(Mindscape Inc).zip DESCEN~1.ZIP R 8002k Descent Plus (1995)(Interplay)(Rev)1.zip
DESTRU~1.ZIP S 7263k Destruction Derby.zip
DOGFIG~1.ZIP T 4753k Dogfight 80 Years Of Aerial Warfare (1993)(Microprose S DUKENU~1.ZIP U 1437k Duke Nukem 2 (1991)(Apogee Software Ltd).zip DUKENU~2.ZIP V 239k Duke Nukem 3 Trapped In The Future (1991)(Apogee Softwa DUKENU~3.ZIP W21863k Duke Nukem 3d Atomic Edition 1.4 (1996)(Atari Inc).zip DUKENU~4.ZIP X 263k Duke Nukem Episode 1 Shrapnel City (1991)(Apogee Softwa DUNE(1~1.ZIP Y 2255k Dune (1992)(Avalon Interactive).zip
DUNE2(~1.ZIP Z 9882k Dune 2 (Original Version)1.zip
EARTH2~1.ZIP A52352k Earth 2140.zip
ELITE2~1.ZIP B 647k Elite 2 (1993)(Firebird Software Ltd).zip
EMPIRE~1.ZIP C 5654k Empire 2 The Art of War (1996)(White Wolf Productions). EPICPI~1.ZIP D 5091k Epic Pinball (1993)(Epic Megagames Inc)(Rev).zip EXTREM~1.ZIP E 6415k Extreme Pinball (1995)(Electronic Arts Inc).zip EYEOFT~1.ZIP F 1769k Eye Of The Beholder (1990)(Strategic Simulations Inc).z EYEOFT~2.ZIP G 4719k Eye of the Beholder 3 The Assault On Myth Drannor (1992 EYEOFT~3.ZIP H 2102k Eye Of The Beholder II The Legend Of Darkmoon (1991)(St F14FLE~1.ZIP I 5834k F 14 Fleet Defender (1994)(Microprose Software Inc).zip F15STR~1.ZIP J 548k F15 Strike Eagle II (1989)(Microprose Software Inc).zip F15STR~2.ZIP K 6397k F15 Strike Eagle III (1993)(Microprose Software Inc)1.z F19STE~1.ZIP A 704k F19 Stealth Fighter (1987)(Microprose Software Inc)1.zi F1MANA~1.ZIP B30139k F1 Manager Professional.zip
FALCON~1.ZIP C 6350k Falcon 3.0 (1991)(Sphere)1.zip
FREDER~1.ZIP F 5589k Frederik Pohls Gateway (1992)(Legend Entertainment Comp FRONTP~1.ZIP G 7281k Front Page Sport Baseball 94 (1994)(Sierra Online).zip FRONTP~2.ZIP H 8529k Front Page Sport Football Pro 96 Season (1995)(Sierra O GABIEA~1.ZIP I15207k Gabieal Knight - Sins of the Father.zip
GATEWA~1.ZIP J 5667k Gateway 2.zip
GRANDE~1.ZIP K 5607k Grandest Fleet the (1995)(Fogstone Enterprises).zip GRANDP~1.ZIP L37497k Grand Prix 2 (1996)(Microprose Software Inc)(Rev1)1.zip GREATC~1.ZIP A 1201k Great Courts 2 (1991)(Blue Byte).zip
GUNSHI~1.ZIP B 426k Gunship (1986)(Microprose Software Inc).zip GUNSHI~2.ZIP C 3381k Gunship 2000 (1991)(Microprose Software Inc).zip HEROSO~1.ZIP D19018k Heros of Night and Magic I1.zip
HEROSO~2.ZIP E30997k Heros of Night and Magic II.zip
INDYCA~1.ZIP F 7786k Indy Car Racing (1993)(Papyrus).zip
JACKTH~1.ZIP G 6546k Jack The Ripper (1995)(Intergalactic).zip
KASPAR~1.ZIP H 7026k Kasparovs Gambit (1993)(Heuristic Software)1.zip KIB21C~1.ZIP I 8725k Kings Quest V Absence Makes The Heart Go Yonder (1990)( KIF360~1.ZIP J23110k Kings Quest Vi Heir Today Gone Tomorrow (1993)(Sierra O KINGSO~1.ZIP K 300k Kings Of The Beach (1988)(Electronic Arts Inc)1.zip KINGSQ~1.ZIP A 286k Kings Quest (1984)(Sierra Online)1.zip
KINGSQ~2.ZIP B 372k Kings Quest II Romancing The Throne (1985)(Sierra Onlin KINGSQ~3.ZIP C 433k Kings Quest III To Heir Is Human (1986)(Sierra Online). KINGSQ~4.ZIP D 2767k Kings Quest Iv The Perils Of Rosella (1988)(Sierra Onli KNIGHT~1.ZIP E 5176k Knights of the Sky WWI (Microprose)1.zip
LANDSO~1.ZIP F12102k Lands Of Lore The Throne Of Chaos (1993)(Avalon Interac LED9BD~1.ZIP G 8979k Leisure Suit Larry 6 Shape Up or Slip Out (1991)(Sierra LEISUR~1.ZIP H 3259k Leisure Suit Larry 1 In The Land Of The Lounge Lizards LEISUR~2.ZIP I 1619k Leisure Suit Larry 2 (1989)(Sierra Online).zip LEISUR~3.ZIP J 2162k Leisure Suit Larry 3 (1989)(Sierra Online)(Rev 1.021).z LEISUR~4.ZIP K 7393k Leisure Suit Larry 5 Passionate Patti Does A Little Und LHXATT~1.ZIP A 609k Lhx Attack Chopper (1990)(Electronic Arts Inc).zip LIFEAN~1.ZIP B 609k Life And Death (1988)(Software Toolworks The).zip LINKS3~1.ZIP C12771k Links 386 Pro (1992)(Access Software Inc)(Rev1.05).zip LORDSO~1.ZIP D 5276k Lords Of The Realm (1994)(Impressions).zip
M1tank .zip E 819k
MADTV(~1.ZIP F 977k Mad Tv (1991)(Rainbow Arts)1.zip
MANHUN~1.ZIP G 993k Manhunter 11.zip
MANHUN~2.ZIP H 1141k Manhunter 2 San Francisco (1989)(Sierra Online)1.zip MASTER~1.ZIP I22627k Master Of Magic Enhanced (1993)(Microprose Software Inc MASTER~2.ZIP J 6585k Master Of Orion 1.3 (1992)(Microprose Software Inc).zip MASTER~3.ZIP K 120M Master of Orion 2.zip
MECHAN~1.ZIP L57848k Mechanik (Train Simulator).zip
MECHWA~1.ZIP M 909k Mech Warrior (1989)(Activision Publishing Inc).zip MEGAFO~1.ZIP N 1134k Megafortress (1991)(Three Sixty).zip
METALT~1.ZIP O13626k Metaltech Earthsiege (1994)(Sierra Online)1.zip MILLEB~1.ZIP P 209k Mille Bournes Version 4.011.zip
MONKEY~1.ZIP Q 6427k Monkey Island 2 Lechucks Revenge (1991)(Lucas Arts)1.zi MONKEY~2.ZIP R 3251k Monkey Island Vga (1990)(Lucas Arts).zip
MONOPO~1.ZIP S 2234k Monopoly Deluxe (1992)(Avalon Interactive).zip MOTORC~1.ZIP T15308k Motor City (1995)(Max Design)1.zip
NIGHTH~1.ZIP U 1441k Night Hawk F117a Stealth Fighter 20 (1991)(Microprose S NOGREA~1.ZIP V 1262k No Greater Glory (1991)(Strategic Simulations Inc)1.zip NORTHA~1.ZIP W 585k North And South (1989)(Atari Inc)(Rev).zip
NUCLEA~1.ZIP X 681k Nuclear War (1989)(New World Computing).zip OCEANT~1.ZIP Y 9589k Ocean Trader (1995)(Software 2000).zip
ONEMUS~1.ZIP Z 7147k One Must Fall 2097 (1994)(Epic Megagames Inc).zip OPERAT~1.ZIP A 1661k Operation Europe Pacth to Victory 1939 to 1945.zip OVERLO~1.ZIP B 1308k Overlord1.zip
PANZER~1.ZIP C 7293k Panzer General (1994)(Strategic Simulations Inc)(Rev1)1 PIRATE~1.ZIP D11532k Pirates Gold (1993)(Microprose Software Inc).zip PIRATE~2.ZIP E 986k Pirates Of The Barbary Coast (1987) ORIGINAL1.zip PIZZAT~1.ZIP F 2855k Pizza Tycoon (1994)(Cybernetic Corporation).zip POLICE~1.ZIP G 453k Police Quest 1.zip
POLICE~2.ZIP H 1842k Police Quest 2 The Vengeance (1988)(Sierra Online)1.zip POLICE~3.ZIP I 5506k Police Quest 3 The Kindred (1991)(Sierra Online)1.zip POLICE~4.ZIP J19195k Police Quest 4 Open Season (1993)(Sierra Online)(Rev).z POPULO~1.ZIP K 356k Populous (1989)(Bullfrog)1.zip
PRINCE~1.ZIP A 1435k Prince Of Persia 1.3 (1989)(Broderbund Software Inc).zi PROTOS~1.ZIP B 5340k Protostar War On The Frontier (1993)(Tsunami Games).zip RAILRO~1.ZIP C 5010k Railroad Tycoon Deluxe (1993)(Microprose Software Inc)1 REDBAR~1.ZIP D10834k Red Baron.zip
RISEOF~1.ZIP E 8056k Rise of the Triads.zip
SCORCH~1.ZIP F 867k Scorched Earth (1995)(Wendell Hicken)1.zip
SECRET~1.ZIP G 1513k Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe (1991)(LucasFilm Games) SERFCI~1.ZIP H 2409k Serf City Life Is Feudal (1993)(Blue Byte Strategic Sim SERFCI~2.ZIP I16020k Serf City Settlers 2 Gold Edition (1997)(Blue Byte).zip SHADOW~1.ZIP J 5427k Shadow President (1993)(Dc True)1.zip
SHADOW~2.ZIP K34750k Shadow Warrior (1997)(3D Realms)1.zip
SHERLO~1.ZIP A 7811k Sherlock Holmes.zip
SHUTTL~1.ZIP B 799k Shuttle (1992)(Virgin Interactive).zip
SIDMEI~1.ZIP C 5474k Sid Meiers Colonization (1994)(Microprose Software Inc) SIMCIT~1.ZIP D 522k Sim City (1989)(Broderbund Software Inc)(Rev2).zip SIMCIT~2.ZIP E 3376k Sim City 2000 (1993)(Maxis Software Inc).zip SIMEAR~1.ZIP F 829k Sim Earth The Living Planet (1990)(Maxis Software Inc). SIMHEA~1.ZIP G 3191k Sim Health (1994)(Maxis Software Inc)1.zip
SIMLIF~1.ZIP H 3677k Sim Life (1992)(Mindscape Inc)1.zip
SP0B7D~1.ZIP I 860k Space Quest The Lost Chapter.zip
SP45F3~1.ZIP J 6710k Space Quest V The Next Mutation (1993)(Sierra Online).z SPACEC~1.ZIP K 1032k Space Crusade.zip
SPACEH~1.ZIP A 8711k Space Hulk (1993)(Electronic Arts Inc).zip
SPACEQ~1.ZIP B 1865k Space Quest 3.zip
SPACEQ~2.ZIP C 5735k Space Quest I Roger Wilco In The Sarien Encounter ENHAN SPACEQ~3.ZIP D 338k Space Quest I Roger Wilco In The Sarien Encounter ORIGI SPACEQ~4.ZIP E 440k Space Quest II Chapter II Vohauls Revenge (1987)(Sierra SPC596~1.ZIP F 6116k Space Quest Iv Roger Wilco And The Time Rippers (1991)( STARCO~1.ZIP G 596k Star Control (1990)(Accolade).zip
STARCO~2.ZIP H 7685k Star Control 2 (1992)(Accolade).zip
STARFL~1.ZIP I 924k Star Fleet II Krellan Commander (1989)(Interstel)1.zip STARFL~2.ZIP J 561k Starflight (1986)(Electronic Arts Inc)(Rev).zip STARLE~1.ZIP K 2816k Star Legions (1992)(Super Nova Creations)1.zip STARTR~1.ZIP A22424k Star Trek 25th Anniversary (1993)(Interplay).zip STARTR~2.ZIP B 4364k Star Trek 5 - The Final Frontier.zip
STARTR~3.ZIP C33978k Star Trek Judgment Rites (1993)(Interplay)1.zip STARTR~4.ZIP D 204k Star Trek Rebel Universe (My First Game I ever bought). STARWA~1.ZIP E31194k Star Wars Dark Forces (1995)(Lucas Arts)(Rev1).zip STARWA~2.ZIP F 6603k Star Wars X Wing (1993)(Lucas Arts)1.zip
STD1B2~1.ZIP G 219k Star Trek The Kobayashi Alternative (1985)(Simon And Sc STRATE~1.ZIP H 1100k Stratego (1990)(Accolade)(Rev).zip
STRIKE~1.ZIP I 241k Strike Fleet (Lucas Arts).zip
SU27FL~1.ZIP J 5696k Su 27 Flanker (1996)(Eagle Dynamics).zip
SUBWAR~1.ZIP K23297k Subwar 2050 (1993)(Microprose Software Inc)1.zip SUPERD~1.ZIP A 4836k Super Dune 2 The Destruction (1994)(Shadow Knight).zip SYNDIC~1.ZIP B16071k Syndicate Final (1996)(Bullfrog Productions).zip SYNDIC~2.ZIP C38873k Syndicate Wars (1996)(Bullfrog Productions)1.zip SYSTEM~1.ZIP D13781k System Shock.zip
TASKFO~1.ZIP E13838k Task Force 1942.zip
TERMIN~1.ZIP F15208k Terminator Shock.zip
TERMIN~2.ZIP G18766k Terminator Skynet.zip
TIEFIG~1.ZIP H 8087k Tie Fighter (1994)(Lucas Arts).zip
TOSERV~1.ZIP I 1294k To Serve and To Protect (version 1.1).zip
TRACON~1.ZIP J 680k Tracon 2 (1990)(Wesson International).zip
TRANSP~1.ZIP K 5797k Transport Tycoon Deluxe (1995)(Microprose Software Inc) UFOENE~1.ZIP A 5758k Ufo Enemy Unknown (1994)(Mythos Games).zip
UMSIIN~1.ZIP B 662k Ums II Nations At War (1990)(Rainbird Software)1.zip UMSITH~1.ZIP C 313k Ums I The Universal Military Simulator (1987)(Firebird UNCHAR~1.ZIP D 873k Uncharted Waters (1990)(Koei Co Ltd).zip
UNNATU~1.ZIP E 9064k Unnatural Selection (1993)(Maxis).zip
VFORVI~1.ZIP F 1212k V For Victory Gold Juno Sword (1993)(Atomic Games)1.zip VFORVI~2.ZIP G 2341k V For Victory Market Garden (1993)(Atomic Games).zip VFORVI~3.ZIP H 907k V For Victory Utah Beach (1993)(Atomic Games)1.zip VFORVI~4.ZIP I 1263k V For Victory Velikiye Luke (1991)(Atomic Games).zip VIRTUA~1.ZIP J 159k Virtual Pool (1995)(Interplay).zip
WALLST~1.ZIP K 420k Wall Street Raider (1998)(Ronin Software).zip WARCRA~1.ZIP A20339k Warcraft 2 Beyond The Dark Portal EXPANSION (1996)(Bliz WARCRA~2.ZIP B11529k Warcraft Orcs And Humans 1.2 (1994)(Blizzard Entertainm WARGAM~1.ZIP C 2165k Wargame Construction Set 2 Tanks (1994)(Strategic Simul WARLOR~1.ZIP D 7123k Warlords 2 With Scenerio Builder (1993)(SSG).zip WASTEL~1.ZIP E 658k Wasteland (1987)(Electronic Arts Inc).zip
WHC959~1.ZIP F 436k Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego (Enhanced) (1991) WHENTW~1.ZIP G 3030k When Two Worlds War (1993)(Impressions Games).zip WHEREI~1.ZIP H 1780k Where In Americas Past Is Carmen Sandiego (1991)(Broder WHEREI~2.ZIP I 226k Where In Europe Is Carmen Sandiego (1988)(Broderbund So WHEREI~3.ZIP J 5046k Where In Space Is Carmen Sandiege Enhanced (1993)(Brode WHEREI~4.ZIP K 633k Where In The Usa Is Carmen Sandiego (1986)(Broderbund S WI2721~1.ZIP A 8808k Wing Commander Privateer (1993)(Electronic Arts Inc).zi WINGCO~1.ZIP B 3640k Wing Commander (1990)(Origin).zip
WINGCO~2.ZIP C16178k Wing Commander 2 Vengeance Of The Kilrathi (1991)(Origi WINGCO~3.ZIP D 4986k Wing Commander Academy (1993)(Origin).zip
WINGCO~4.ZIP E 7808k Wing Commander Armada (1993)(Origin Systems Inc)1.zip WITCHH~1.ZIP F12232k Witchhaven 1 (1995)(Capstone Software).zip
WOLFEN~1.ZIP G 4858k Wolfenstein 3d (1992)(Activision Publishing Inc)1.zip WOLFEN~2.ZIP H 3906k Wolfenstein 3d Spear Of Destiny (1992)(Formgen)1.zip WOLFEN~3.ZIP I 9514k Wolfenstein 3d Spear Of Destiny Mission Addon Pack(1992 WOLFPA~1.ZIP J 403k WolfPack (1990)(NovaLogic)1.zip
WOODEN~1.ZIP K18127k Wooden Ships Iron Men (1996).zip
XCOM2T~1.ZIP A 7796k X Com 2 Terror From The Deep (1995)(Microprose Software XENOBO~1.ZIP B 1377k Xenobots (1993)(Novalogics)1.zip
YEAGER~1.ZIP C 1196k Yeagers Air Combat (1991)(Electronic Arts Inc).zip Z(ZED)~1.ZIP D14582k Z (Zed).zip
Paranor BBS: telnet://jaio.no-ip.org:23
Website: http://www.justallinone.com
Jaio Newsgroup Forum: http://usenet.justallinone.com ------------------------
... Just because it's a right doesn't make it right.
Re: Small List
By: Mikesla to All on Mon May 21 2012 02:51 pm
Shit son.... I have all those plus over 500GB more..
Import archived file.
The Viper wrote to Mikesla <=-
Re: Small List
By: Mikesla to All on Mon May 21 2012 02:51 pm
Shit son.... I have all those plus over 500GB more..
Hi everyone.
I just thought I would list some of the files which I now have up for you t download.
My BBS Name: Paranor BBS
Address: jaio.no-ip.org <standard port>
Website: http://www.justallinone.com
4D-BOX~1.ZIP A 3961k 4D-Boxing.zip
688ATT~1.ZIP B 680k 688 Attack Sub (1989)(Electronic Arts Inc)1.zip AIVNET~1.ZIP D 5251k A IV Network (1995)(Infogrames)1.zip
ARMORE~1.ZIP E37196k Armored Fist (1994)(Nova Logic).zip
ASCEND~1.ZIP F42168k Ascendancy.zip
ATAC(1~1.ZIP G 1591k Atac (1992)(Microprose Software Inc)1.zip
B52FLY~1.ZIP H 4222k B52 Flying Fortress.zip
BAA31E~1.ZIP I 428k Battletech The Crescent Hawks Inception (1988)(Infocom) BAC68B~1.ZIP J 1278k Battletech The Crescent Hawks Revenge (1989)(Infocom)1. BACE88~1.ZIP K 411k Battles Of Napoleon (1989)(Strategic Simulations Inc)1. BASSTO~1.ZIP L 216k Basstour (1992)(Dick Olsen).zip
BATTLE~1.ZIP M 542k Battle Chess (1989)(Interplay).zip
BATTLE~2.ZIP N 4560k Battle Chess 4000 (1992)(Interplay)1.zip
BATTLE~3.ZIP O 1001k Battle Chess II Chinese Chess (1990)(Interplay)1.zip BATTLE~4.ZIP P 4424k Battle Isle 2 (1994)(Blue Byte)1.zip
BEGIN2~1.ZIP Q 265k Begin 2 A Tactical Starship Simulation (1991)(Clockwork BEGINS~1.ZIP R 173k Begins 16 Tactical Starship Simulation (1991)(Clockwork BLAKES~1.ZIP S 1838k Blake Stone (1994)(Formgen Wizardworks Software)1.zip BLAKES~2.ZIP T 2176k Blake Stone Planet Strike (1994)(Formgen Wizardworks So BLOODB~1.ZIP U 17k Blood Bowl (1995)(Microleague).zip
BLUEAN~1.ZIP V 1510k Blue And The Gray The (1993)(Impressions Games)1.zip BUZZAL~1.ZIP W20704k Buzz Aldrins Race Into Space (1993)(Avalon Interactive) CASTLE~1.ZIP X 1026k Castles (1991)(Interplay)(Rev).zip
CASTLE~2.ZIP Y 6004k Castles II Siege And Conquest (1992)(Interplay).zip CASTLE~3.ZIP Z 1544k Castles The Northern Campaign (1991)(Interplay).zip CENTUR~1.ZIP A 937k Centurion Defender Of Rome (1990)(Electronic Arts Inc). CIVILW~1.ZIP B 7880k Civil War (1997)(Dagger Interactive Technologies).zip Coleco .zip C 2542k
COMANC~1.ZIP D 3945k Comanche Maximum Overkill (1992)(Novalogic).zip CONQUE~1.ZIP E56670k Conquest of the New World.zip
CONQUE~2.ZIP F 7214k Conquests Of The Longbow The Legend Of Robin Hood (1993 CRISIS~1.ZIP G 6188k Crisis In The Kremlin (1991)(Spectrum Holobyte Inc)1.zi CRUSAD~1.ZIP H35489k Crusader No Regret (1996)(Origin)11.zip
CRUSAD~2.ZIP I30331k Crusader No Remorse (1995)(Origin).zip
DAGGER~1.ZIP J 100M DaggerFall.zip
DARKLA~1.ZIP K13367k Darklands (1992)(Microprose Software Inc)(Rev1)1.zip DARKSU~1.ZIP L11250k Dark Sun Wake of the Ravager.zip
DARK_S~1.ZIP M 8112k Dark_Sun_-_Shattered_Lands_ADD_Strategic_Simulations199 DASBOO~1.ZIP N 507k Das Boot.zip
DAWNPA~1.ZIP O 5745k Dawn Patrol (1994)(Empire Interactive Entertainment).zi DDAYAM~1.ZIP P 1851k D Day America Invades (1994)(Impressions).zip DEFEND~1.ZIP Q 261k Defender Of The Crown (1986)(Mindscape Inc).zip DESCEN~1.ZIP R 8002k Descent Plus (1995)(Interplay)(Rev)1.zip
DESTRU~1.ZIP S 7263k Destruction Derby.zip
DOGFIG~1.ZIP T 4753k Dogfight 80 Years Of Aerial Warfare (1993)(Microprose S DUKENU~1.ZIP U 1437k Duke Nukem 2 (1991)(Apogee Software Ltd).zip DUKENU~2.ZIP V 239k Duke Nukem 3 Trapped In The Future (1991)(Apogee Softwa DUKENU~3.ZIP W21863k Duke Nukem 3d Atomic Edition 1.4 (1996)(Atari Inc).zip DUKENU~4.ZIP X 263k Duke Nukem Episode 1 Shrapnel City (1991)(Apogee Softwa DUNE(1~1.ZIP Y 2255k Dune (1992)(Avalon Interactive).zip
DUNE2(~1.ZIP Z 9882k Dune 2 (Original Version)1.zip
EARTH2~1.ZIP A52352k Earth 2140.zip
ELITE2~1.ZIP B 647k Elite 2 (1993)(Firebird Software Ltd).zip
EMPIRE~1.ZIP C 5654k Empire 2 The Art of War (1996)(White Wolf Productions). EPICPI~1.ZIP D 5091k Epic Pinball (1993)(Epic Megagames Inc)(Rev).zip EXTREM~1.ZIP E 6415k Extreme Pinball (1995)(Electronic Arts Inc).zip EYEOFT~1.ZIP F 1769k Eye Of The Beholder (1990)(Strategic Simulations Inc).z EYEOFT~2.ZIP G 4719k Eye of the Beholder 3 The Assault On Myth Drannor (1992 EYEOFT~3.ZIP H 2102k Eye Of The Beholder II The Legend Of Darkmoon (1991)(St F14FLE~1.ZIP I 5834k F 14 Fleet Defender (1994)(Microprose Software Inc).zip F15STR~1.ZIP J 548k F15 Strike Eagle II (1989)(Microprose Software Inc).zip F15STR~2.ZIP K 6397k F15 Strike Eagle III (1993)(Microprose Software Inc)1.z F19STE~1.ZIP A 704k F19 Stealth Fighter (1987)(Microprose Software Inc)1.zi F1MANA~1.ZIP B30139k F1 Manager Professional.zip
FALCON~1.ZIP C 6350k Falcon 3.0 (1991)(Sphere)1.zip
FREDER~1.ZIP F 5589k Frederik Pohls Gateway (1992)(Legend Entertainment Comp FRONTP~1.ZIP G 7281k Front Page Sport Baseball 94 (1994)(Sierra Online).zip FRONTP~2.ZIP H 8529k Front Page Sport Football Pro 96 Season (1995)(Sierra O GABIEA~1.ZIP I15207k Gabieal Knight - Sins of the Father.zip
GATEWA~1.ZIP J 5667k Gateway 2.zip
GRANDE~1.ZIP K 5607k Grandest Fleet the (1995)(Fogstone Enterprises).zip GRANDP~1.ZIP L37497k Grand Prix 2 (1996)(Microprose Software Inc)(Rev1)1.zip GREATC~1.ZIP A 1201k Great Courts 2 (1991)(Blue Byte).zip
GUNSHI~1.ZIP B 426k Gunship (1986)(Microprose Software Inc).zip GUNSHI~2.ZIP C 3381k Gunship 2000 (1991)(Microprose Software Inc).zip HEROSO~1.ZIP D19018k Heros of Night and Magic I1.zip
HEROSO~2.ZIP E30997k Heros of Night and Magic II.zip
INDYCA~1.ZIP F 7786k Indy Car Racing (1993)(Papyrus).zip
JACKTH~1.ZIP G 6546k Jack The Ripper (1995)(Intergalactic).zip
KASPAR~1.ZIP H 7026k Kasparovs Gambit (1993)(Heuristic Software)1.zip KIB21C~1.ZIP I 8725k Kings Quest V Absence Makes The Heart Go Yonder (1990)( KIF360~1.ZIP J23110k Kings Quest Vi Heir Today Gone Tomorrow (1993)(Sierra O KINGSO~1.ZIP K 300k Kings Of The Beach (1988)(Electronic Arts Inc)1.zip KINGSQ~1.ZIP A 286k Kings Quest (1984)(Sierra Online)1.zip
KINGSQ~2.ZIP B 372k Kings Quest II Romancing The Throne (1985)(Sierra Onlin KINGSQ~3.ZIP C 433k Kings Quest III To Heir Is Human (1986)(Sierra Online). KINGSQ~4.ZIP D 2767k Kings Quest Iv The Perils Of Rosella (1988)(Sierra Onli KNIGHT~1.ZIP E 5176k Knights of the Sky WWI (Microprose)1.zip
LANDSO~1.ZIP F12102k Lands Of Lore The Throne Of Chaos (1993)(Avalon Interac LED9BD~1.ZIP G 8979k Leisure Suit Larry 6 Shape Up or Slip Out (1991)(Sierra LEISUR~1.ZIP H 3259k Leisure Suit Larry 1 In The Land Of The Lounge Lizards LEISUR~2.ZIP I 1619k Leisure Suit Larry 2 (1989)(Sierra Online).zip LEISUR~3.ZIP J 2162k Leisure Suit Larry 3 (1989)(Sierra Online)(Rev 1.021).z LEISUR~4.ZIP K 7393k Leisure Suit Larry 5 Passionate Patti Does A Little Und LHXATT~1.ZIP A 609k Lhx Attack Chopper (1990)(Electronic Arts Inc).zip LIFEAN~1.ZIP B 609k Life And Death (1988)(Software Toolworks The).zip LINKS3~1.ZIP C12771k Links 386 Pro (1992)(Access Software Inc)(Rev1.05).zip LORDSO~1.ZIP D 5276k Lords Of The Realm (1994)(Impressions).zip
M1tank .zip E 819k
MADTV(~1.ZIP F 977k Mad Tv (1991)(Rainbow Arts)1.zip
MANHUN~1.ZIP G 993k Manhunter 11.zip
MANHUN~2.ZIP H 1141k Manhunter 2 San Francisco (1989)(Sierra Online)1.zip MASTER~1.ZIP I22627k Master Of Magic Enhanced (1993)(Microprose Software Inc MASTER~2.ZIP J 6585k Master Of Orion 1.3 (1992)(Microprose Software Inc).zip MASTER~3.ZIP K 120M Master of Orion 2.zip
MECHAN~1.ZIP L57848k Mechanik (Train Simulator).zip
MECHWA~1.ZIP M 909k Mech Warrior (1989)(Activision Publishing Inc).zip MEGAFO~1.ZIP N 1134k Megafortress (1991)(Three Sixty).zip
METALT~1.ZIP O13626k Metaltech Earthsiege (1994)(Sierra Online)1.zip MILLEB~1.ZIP P 209k Mille Bournes Version 4.011.zip
MONKEY~1.ZIP Q 6427k Monkey Island 2 Lechucks Revenge (1991)(Lucas Arts)1.zi MONKEY~2.ZIP R 3251k Monkey Island Vga (1990)(Lucas Arts).zip
MONOPO~1.ZIP S 2234k Monopoly Deluxe (1992)(Avalon Interactive).zip MOTORC~1.ZIP T15308k Motor City (1995)(Max Design)1.zip
NIGHTH~1.ZIP U 1441k Night Hawk F117a Stealth Fighter 20 (1991)(Microprose S NOGREA~1.ZIP V 1262k No Greater Glory (1991)(Strategic Simulations Inc)1.zip NORTHA~1.ZIP W 585k North And South (1989)(Atari Inc)(Rev).zip
NUCLEA~1.ZIP X 681k Nuclear War (1989)(New World Computing).zip OCEANT~1.ZIP Y 9589k Ocean Trader (1995)(Software 2000).zip
ONEMUS~1.ZIP Z 7147k One Must Fall 2097 (1994)(Epic Megagames Inc).zip OPERAT~1.ZIP A 1661k Operation Europe Pacth to Victory 1939 to 1945.zip OVERLO~1.ZIP B 1308k Overlord1.zip
PANZER~1.ZIP C 7293k Panzer General (1994)(Strategic Simulations Inc)(Rev1)1 PIRATE~1.ZIP D11532k Pirates Gold (1993)(Microprose Software Inc).zip PIRATE~2.ZIP E 986k Pirates Of The Barbary Coast (1987) ORIGINAL1.zip PIZZAT~1.ZIP F 2855k Pizza Tycoon (1994)(Cybernetic Corporation).zip POLICE~1.ZIP G 453k Police Quest 1.zip
POLICE~2.ZIP H 1842k Police Quest 2 The Vengeance (1988)(Sierra Online)1.zip POLICE~3.ZIP I 5506k Police Quest 3 The Kindred (1991)(Sierra Online)1.zip POLICE~4.ZIP J19195k Police Quest 4 Open Season (1993)(Sierra Online)(Rev).z POPULO~1.ZIP K 356k Populous (1989)(Bullfrog)1.zip
PRINCE~1.ZIP A 1435k Prince Of Persia 1.3 (1989)(Broderbund Software Inc).zi PROTOS~1.ZIP B 5340k Protostar War On The Frontier (1993)(Tsunami Games).zip RAILRO~1.ZIP C 5010k Railroad Tycoon Deluxe (1993)(Microprose Software Inc)1 REDBAR~1.ZIP D10834k Red Baron.zip
RISEOF~1.ZIP E 8056k Rise of the Triads.zip
SCORCH~1.ZIP F 867k Scorched Earth (1995)(Wendell Hicken)1.zip
SECRET~1.ZIP G 1513k Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe (1991)(LucasFilm Games) SERFCI~1.ZIP H 2409k Serf City Life Is Feudal (1993)(Blue Byte Strategic Sim SERFCI~2.ZIP I16020k Serf City Settlers 2 Gold Edition (1997)(Blue Byte).zip SHADOW~1.ZIP J 5427k Shadow President (1993)(Dc True)1.zip
SHADOW~2.ZIP K34750k Shadow Warrior (1997)(3D Realms)1.zip
SHERLO~1.ZIP A 7811k Sherlock Holmes.zip
SHUTTL~1.ZIP B 799k Shuttle (1992)(Virgin Interactive).zip
SIDMEI~1.ZIP C 5474k Sid Meiers Colonization (1994)(Microprose Software Inc) SIMCIT~1.ZIP D 522k Sim City (1989)(Broderbund Software Inc)(Rev2).zip SIMCIT~2.ZIP E 3376k Sim City 2000 (1993)(Maxis Software Inc).zip SIMEAR~1.ZIP F 829k Sim Earth The Living Planet (1990)(Maxis Software Inc). SIMHEA~1.ZIP G 3191k Sim Health (1994)(Maxis Software Inc)1.zip
SIMLIF~1.ZIP H 3677k Sim Life (1992)(Mindscape Inc)1.zip
SP0B7D~1.ZIP I 860k Space Quest The Lost Chapter.zip
SP45F3~1.ZIP J 6710k Space Quest V The Next Mutation (1993)(Sierra Online).z SPACEC~1.ZIP K 1032k Space Crusade.zip
SPACEH~1.ZIP A 8711k Space Hulk (1993)(Electronic Arts Inc).zip
SPACEQ~1.ZIP B 1865k Space Quest 3.zip
SPACEQ~2.ZIP C 5735k Space Quest I Roger Wilco In The Sarien Encounter ENHAN SPACEQ~3.ZIP D 338k Space Quest I Roger Wilco In The Sarien Encounter ORIGI SPACEQ~4.ZIP E 440k Space Quest II Chapter II Vohauls Revenge (1987)(Sierra SPC596~1.ZIP F 6116k Space Quest Iv Roger Wilco And The Time Rippers (1991)( STARCO~1.ZIP G 596k Star Control (1990)(Accolade).zip
STARCO~2.ZIP H 7685k Star Control 2 (1992)(Accolade).zip
STARFL~1.ZIP I 924k Star Fleet II Krellan Commander (1989)(Interstel)1.zip STARFL~2.ZIP J 561k Starflight (1986)(Electronic Arts Inc)(Rev).zip STARLE~1.ZIP K 2816k Star Legions (1992)(Super Nova Creations)1.zip STARTR~1.ZIP A22424k Star Trek 25th Anniversary (1993)(Interplay).zip STARTR~2.ZIP B 4364k Star Trek 5 - The Final Frontier.zip
STARTR~3.ZIP C33978k Star Trek Judgment Rites (1993)(Interplay)1.zip STARTR~4.ZIP D 204k Star Trek Rebel Universe (My First Game I ever bought). STARWA~1.ZIP E31194k Star Wars Dark Forces (1995)(Lucas Arts)(Rev1).zip STARWA~2.ZIP F 6603k Star Wars X Wing (1993)(Lucas Arts)1.zip
STD1B2~1.ZIP G 219k Star Trek The Kobayashi Alternative (1985)(Simon And Sc STRATE~1.ZIP H 1100k Stratego (1990)(Accolade)(Rev).zip
STRIKE~1.ZIP I 241k Strike Fleet (Lucas Arts).zip
SU27FL~1.ZIP J 5696k Su 27 Flanker (1996)(Eagle Dynamics).zip
SUBWAR~1.ZIP K23297k Subwar 2050 (1993)(Microprose Software Inc)1.zip SUPERD~1.ZIP A 4836k Super Dune 2 The Destruction (1994)(Shadow Knight).zip SYNDIC~1.ZIP B16071k Syndicate Final (1996)(Bullfrog Productions).zip SYNDIC~2.ZIP C38873k Syndicate Wars (1996)(Bullfrog Productions)1.zip SYSTEM~1.ZIP D13781k System Shock.zip
TASKFO~1.ZIP E13838k Task Force 1942.zip
TERMIN~1.ZIP F15208k Terminator Shock.zip
TERMIN~2.ZIP G18766k Terminator Skynet.zip
TIEFIG~1.ZIP H 8087k Tie Fighter (1994)(Lucas Arts).zip
TOSERV~1.ZIP I 1294k To Serve and To Protect (version 1.1).zip
TRACON~1.ZIP J 680k Tracon 2 (1990)(Wesson International).zip
TRANSP~1.ZIP K 5797k Transport Tycoon Deluxe (1995)(Microprose Software Inc) UFOENE~1.ZIP A 5758k Ufo Enemy Unknown (1994)(Mythos Games).zip
UMSIIN~1.ZIP B 662k Ums II Nations At War (1990)(Rainbird Software)1.zip UMSITH~1.ZIP C 313k Ums I The Universal Military Simulator (1987)(Firebird UNCHAR~1.ZIP D 873k Uncharted Waters (1990)(Koei Co Ltd).zip
UNNATU~1.ZIP E 9064k Unnatural Selection (1993)(Maxis).zip
VFORVI~1.ZIP F 1212k V For Victory Gold Juno Sword (1993)(Atomic Games)1.zip VFORVI~2.ZIP G 2341k V For Victory Market Garden (1993)(Atomic Games).zip VFORVI~3.ZIP H 907k V For Victory Utah Beach (1993)(Atomic Games)1.zip VFORVI~4.ZIP I 1263k V For Victory Velikiye Luke (1991)(Atomic Games).zip VIRTUA~1.ZIP J 159k Virtual Pool (1995)(Interplay).zip
WALLST~1.ZIP K 420k Wall Street Raider (1998)(Ronin Software).zip WARCRA~1.ZIP A20339k Warcraft 2 Beyond The Dark Portal EXPANSION (1996)(Bliz WARCRA~2.ZIP B11529k Warcraft Orcs And Humans 1.2 (1994)(Blizzard Entertainm WARGAM~1.ZIP C 2165k Wargame Construction Set 2 Tanks (1994)(Strategic Simul WARLOR~1.ZIP D 7123k Warlords 2 With Scenerio Builder (1993)(SSG).zip WASTEL~1.ZIP E 658k Wasteland (1987)(Electronic Arts Inc).zip
WHC959~1.ZIP F 436k Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego (Enhanced) (1991) WHENTW~1.ZIP G 3030k When Two Worlds War (1993)(Impressions Games).zip WHEREI~1.ZIP H 1780k Where In Americas Past Is Carmen Sandiego (1991)(Broder WHEREI~2.ZIP I 226k Where In Europe Is Carmen Sandiego (1988)(Broderbund So WHEREI~3.ZIP J 5046k Where In Space Is Carmen Sandiege Enhanced (1993)(Brode WHEREI~4.ZIP K 633k Where In The Usa Is Carmen Sandiego (1986)(Broderbund S WI2721~1.ZIP A 8808k Wing Commander Privateer (1993)(Electronic Arts Inc).zi WINGCO~1.ZIP B 3640k Wing Commander (1990)(Origin).zip
WINGCO~2.ZIP C16178k Wing Commander 2 Vengeance Of The Kilrathi (1991)(Origi WINGCO~3.ZIP D 4986k Wing Commander Academy (1993)(Origin).zip
WINGCO~4.ZIP E 7808k Wing Commander Armada (1993)(Origin Systems Inc)1.zip WITCHH~1.ZIP F12232k Witchhaven 1 (1995)(Capstone Software).zip
WOLFEN~1.ZIP G 4858k Wolfenstein 3d (1992)(Activision Publishing Inc)1.zip WOLFEN~2.ZIP H 3906k Wolfenstein 3d Spear Of Destiny (1992)(Formgen)1.zip WOLFEN~3.ZIP I 9514k Wolfenstein 3d Spear Of Destiny Mission Addon Pack(1992 WOLFPA~1.ZIP J 403k WolfPack (1990)(NovaLogic)1.zip
WOODEN~1.ZIP K18127k Wooden Ships Iron Men (1996).zip
XCOM2T~1.ZIP A 7796k X Com 2 Terror From The Deep (1995)(Microprose Software XENOBO~1.ZIP B 1377k Xenobots (1993)(Novalogics)1.zip
YEAGER~1.ZIP C 1196k Yeagers Air Combat (1991)(Electronic Arts Inc).zip Z(ZED)~1.ZIP D14582k Z (Zed).zip
Paranor BBS: telnet://jaio.no-ip.org:23
Website: http://www.justallinone.com
Jaio Newsgroup Forum: http://usenet.justallinone.com ------------------------
... Just because it's a right doesn't make it right.
þ Synchronet þ The Viper's Den BBS - theviper.ca or telnet theviper.darktech.org The ELITE BBS!
Re: Small List
By: The Viper to Mikesla on Mon May 21 2012 01:58 pm
Re: Small List
By: Mikesla to All on Mon May 21 2012 02:51 pm
Shit son.... I have all those plus over 500GB more..
yeah and you both probably leeched it from me.
The Viper wrote to Mro <=-
Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Mon May 21 2012 06:04 pm
Boy you really are a hopeless loser arn't you now
get a life
Re: Small List
By: The Viper to Mikesla on Mon May 21 2012 01:58 pm
Re: Small List
By: Mikesla to All on Mon May 21 2012 02:51 pm
Shit son.... I have all those plus over 500GB more..
yeah and you both probably leeched it from me.
þ Synchronet þ The Viper's Den BBS - theviper.ca or telnet theviper.darktech.org The ELITE BBS!
Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Mon May 21 2012 06:04 pm
Boy you really are a hopeless loser arn't you now
Interesting to think that you prize yourself so highly. You are not the only one in this world who has a collection of games.
And NO, I didn't know about you until now... Talk about having a big ego.
Interesting to think that you prize yourself so highly. You are not the onl one in this world who has a collection of games.
And NO, I didn't know about you until now... Talk about having a big ego.
All of my games are legitimate games meaning I BOUGHT these games since I started back in 1989. Anyone can go to the torrents, and then spout crap abo having a collection. It's when you have paid your hard earned money to creat collection that makes it worthwhile... and I can personally say I earned, an paid for every game...
... Much later.
The Viper wrote to Mro <=-
Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Mon May 21 2012 06:04 pm
Boy you really are a hopeless loser arn't you now
get a life
Re: Small List
By: The Viper to Mikesla on Mon May 21 2012 01:58 pm
Re: Small List
By: Mikesla to All on Mon May 21 2012 02:51 pm
Shit son.... I have all those plus over 500GB more..
yeah and you both probably leeched it from me.
þ Synchronet þ The Viper's Den BBS - theviper.ca or telnet theviper.darktech.org The ELITE BBS!
Paranor BBS: telnet://jaio.no-ip.org:23
Website: http://www.justallinone.com
Jaio Newsgroup Forum: http://usenet.justallinone.com ------------------------
... Mikesla uses Multi-Mail, should you? Probably not...
Mro wrote to Mikesla <=-
Re: Re: Small List
By: Mikesla to The Viper on Tue May 22 2012 02:04 pm
Interesting to think that you prize yourself so highly. You are not the only one in this world who has a collection of games.
And NO, I didn't know about you until now... Talk about having a big ego.
this viper clown joined my bbs torrent site and downloaded over 100
gigs of files, pretty sure it was the same stuff over and over again.
what he would do is leech and then hit and run. ie: not seed what he downloaded. then he would make another account. he made about 6
accounts and the system auto banned him and i banned him.
what i normally do is give people unlimited downloads when i check in every day and see people seeding. i go into their account and type
zeros behind their upload kb.
Anyways, when i asked him why he was making all these duplicate
accounts he said "because i'm putting them all on my bbs for free....ASSHOLE"
and said 'all your files belong to us' and said he was with fairlight. this coming from a man in his late 30s.
he's a fucking retard who delivers pizzas in his late 30s. he's a real winner.
þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
The Viper wrote to Mikesla <=-
Re: Re: Small List
By: Mikesla to The Viper on Tue May 22 2012 02:04 pm
Legitimate i am sure.. you are simply a MARK for the MAN.
Interesting to think that you prize yourself so highly. You are not the onl one in this world who has a collection of games.
And NO, I didn't know about you until now... Talk about having a big ego.
All of my games are legitimate games meaning I BOUGHT these games since I started back in 1989. Anyone can go to the torrents, and then spout crap abo having a collection. It's when you have paid your hard earned money to creat collection that makes it worthwhile... and I can personally say I earned, an paid for every game...
... Much later.
The Viper wrote to Mro <=-
Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Mon May 21 2012 06:04 pm
Boy you really are a hopeless loser arn't you now
get a life
Re: Small List
By: The Viper to Mikesla on Mon May 21 2012 01:58 pm
Re: Small List
By: Mikesla to All on Mon May 21 2012 02:51 pm
Shit son.... I have all those plus over 500GB more..
yeah and you both probably leeched it from me.
þ Synchronet þ The Viper's Den BBS - theviper.ca or telnet theviper.darktech.org The ELITE BBS!
Paranor BBS: telnet://jaio.no-ip.org:23
Website: http://www.justallinone.com
Jaio Newsgroup Forum: http://usenet.justallinone.com ------------------------
... Mikesla uses Multi-Mail, should you? Probably not...
þ Synchronet þ The Viper's Den BBS - theviper.ca or telnet theviper.darktech.org The ELITE BBS!
Re: Re: Small List
By: Mikesla to The Viper on Tue May 22 2012 02:04 pm
Legitimate i am sure.. you are simply a MARK for the MAN.
Re: Small List
By: The Viper to Mro on Mon May 21 2012 10:19 pm
Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Mon May 21 2012 06:04 pm
Boy you really are a hopeless loser arn't you now
Hopeless loser?
i'm not the guy who's delivering pizzas.
and an 'independant wrestler'
Yeah right. So it was you who was trying to login as root.
Oh well.
The Viper wrote to Mikesla <=-
Re: Re: Small List
By: Mikesla to The Viper on Tue May 22 2012 02:04 pm
Legitimate i am sure.. you are simply a MARK for the MAN.
Interesting to think that you prize yourself so highly. You are not the one in this world who has a collection of games.
And NO, I didn't know about you until now... Talk about having a big ego.
All of my games are legitimate games meaning I BOUGHT these games since started back in 1989. Anyone can go to the torrents, and then spout crap having a collection. It's when you have paid your hard earned money to cr collection that makes it worthwhile... and I can personally say I earned, paid for every game...
... Much later.
The Viper wrote to Mro <=-
Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Mon May 21 2012 06:04 pm
Boy you really are a hopeless loser arn't you now
get a life
Re: Small List
By: The Viper to Mikesla on Mon May 21 2012 01:58 pm
Re: Small List
By: Mikesla to All on Mon May 21 2012 02:51 pm
Shit son.... I have all those plus over 500GB more..
yeah and you both probably leeched it from me.
þ Synchronet þ The Viper's Den BBS - theviper.ca or telnet theviper.darktech.org The ELITE BBS!
Paranor BBS: telnet://jaio.no-ip.org:23
Website: http://www.justallinone.com
Jaio Newsgroup Forum: http://usenet.justallinone.com ------------------------
... Mikesla uses Multi-Mail, should you? Probably not...
þ Synchronet þ The Viper's Den BBS - theviper.ca or telnet theviper.darktech.org The ELITE BBS!
Paranor BBS: telnet://jaio.no-ip.org:23
Website: http://www.justallinone.com
Jaio Newsgroup Forum: http://usenet.justallinone.com ------------------------
... Just because it's a right doesn't make it right.
Oh okay, I thought you were speaking to me. I'm sorry, my mistake (no hard feelings I hope).
He already visited my site about two days ago snooping about, and I had someone try to login as root. I'm not saying it was him, but I did find it rather curious.
Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Tue May 22 2012 07:31 pm
Well you are close..
I am a cook, and I USED to work in the independent wrestling field and a video producer / writer. no shame in that in fact lots of MARKS like
Re: Re: Small List
By: Mikesla to The Viper on Wed May 23 2012 01:27 am
Don't think so.. I am not a hacker. And My bbs has a telnet out function.. could have been any of my users if it was off my IP
Re: Re: Small List
By: The Viper to Mikesla on Wed May 23 2012 12:10 am
Re: Re: Small List
By: Mikesla to The Viper on Wed May 23 2012 01:27 am
Don't think so.. I am not a hacker. And My bbs has a telnet out function. could have been any of my users if it was off my IP
you told me in emails that you were a hacker and you were going to take all files.
Fucking loser bully.
Re: Small List
By: The Viper to Mro on Wed May 23 2012 12:07 am
Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Tue May 22 2012 07:31 pm
Well you are close..
I am a cook, and I USED to work in the independent wrestling field and a video producer / writer. no shame in that in fact lots of MARKS like
i dont want to hear your life story. i just want you to get intestinal cance and die a painful death.
no i'm not joking or exaggerating.
Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Wed May 23 2012 23:20:05
Re: Small List
By: The Viper to Mro on Wed May 23 2012 12:07 am
Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Tue May 22 2012 07:31 pm
Well you are close..
I am a cook, and I USED to work in the independent wrestling field and video producer / writer. no shame in that in fact lots of MARKS like
i dont want to hear your life story. i just want you to get intestinal ca and die a painful death.
no i'm not joking or exaggerating.
always making friends. what's your deal, here? been too long since you made ass out of yourself on dovenet?
you speak poorly of people acting childish, and yet you come on here and tea some guy down for pretty much no reason, thus destroying any chance of this "scene" having another sysop that might stick around.
give the guy a break, and shut the fuck up for once. we all get how awesome are and how great you are at digging up little bits of information on people and laying it out for everyone to see. if any of us gave a shit what this gu does for a living, we'd ask him or go look it up ourselves.
Re: Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Wed May 23 2012 11:20 pm
Fucking loser bully.
Re: Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Wed May 23 2012 11:20 pm
Fucking loser bully.
Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Wed May 23 2012 11:20 pm
I see you are from Germany
Adolph Hitler was probally your grandfather right?
You inbred NAZI peace of shit
I was going to say, "Look... there's something you have to understand about this place."
but it appears you already do. good luck.
always making friends. what's your deal, here? been too long since you made an ass out of yourself on dovenet?
you speak poorly of people acting childish, and yet you come on here and tear some guy down for pretty much no reason, thus destroying any chance of
oh,i make plenty of friends in the bbs community. they just arent part of yo very small circle of boring, stale people. you see, i can talk how i want to talk because my actions outweigh anything anybody else says about me. everyo knows i'm an honest person who will give people my last dollar and time out my busy schedule. all you give people is shitty broken .js games nobody lik
your actions do, in fact, outweigh anything anyone has to say about you. you've got that 100% correct.
you go on giving your last dollar. ill go on contributing actual content.
i dont want to hear your life story. i just want you to get intestinal cancer and die a painful death.
no i'm not joking or exaggerating.
someone call the WAAAAAAAAbulance!
oh,i make plenty of friends in the bbs community. they just arent part of your very small circle of boring, stale people. you see, i can talk how i want to talk because my actions outweigh anything anybody else says about me. everyone knows i'm an honest person who will give people my last dollar and time out of my busy schedule. all you give people is shitty broken .js games nobody likes.
i've said this all before, and you wouldnt be so mad at me if it wasnt
true. you're a drug user, an asshole and a homophobe. and you're a nobody.
Re: Small List
By: MCMLXXIX to Mro on Fri May 25 2012 07:39 am
your actions do, in fact, outweigh anything anyone has to say about you. you've got that 100% correct.
yes they do. my actions are great and they are great for the community.
i put a lot of my time and a lot of my money into bbsing and promoting bbsin
you go on giving your last dollar. ill go on contributing actual content.
you think you are contributing but you're just putting garbage where it does belong.
i've said this all before, and you wouldnt be so mad at me if it wasnt true. you're a drug user, an asshole and a homophobe. and you're a nobody.
Re: Small List
By: Mro to MCMLXXIX on Fri May 25 2012 11:09 am
i've said this all before, and you wouldnt be so mad at me if it wasnt true. you're a drug user, an asshole and a homophobe. and you're a nobody
I assure you that when I kept him up buttfucking late and ripped that door w open he did not in any way seem homophobic (if you know what I mean).
Re: Small List
By: Mro to The Viper on Wed May 23 2012 11:20 pm
i dont want to hear your life story. i just want you to get intestinal cancer and die a painful death.
no i'm not joking or exaggerating.
Aren't you lucky that such things don't work.
i dont want to hear your life story. i just want you to get intestinal cancer and die a painful death.
no i'm not joking or exaggerating.
Aren't you lucky that such things don't work.
Or you could call his ISP! That would be a very grown up thing to do! You
could also start stalking him and threatening to ruin his life!
Everyone knows you're a worthless piece of shit who is constantly being
used as an argument for DigitalMan to start filtering at the hub again.
Nobody belives you are honest nor willing to REALLY help someone, you are obviously only indersted in stroking your own ego and pretending to be things you aren't.
We accept that though because pitiable humans like yourselves have always been a part of BBS culture... you're like a little museum exhibit is misery and hate so people can rediscover for themselves why they stopped using BBSs.
Re: Small List
By: Mro to MCMLXXIX on Fri May 25 2012 11:09 am
i've said this all before, and you wouldnt be so mad at me if it wasnt true. you're a drug user, an asshole and a homophobe. and you're a nobody.
I assure you that when I kept him up buttfucking late and ripped that door wide open he did not in any way seem homophobic (if you know what I mean).
im not a drug user, i am an asshole, and im not a homophobe. so I'll give you 33% on that one.
so far you're the only person telling me my work is garbage, so until youve got some sort of consensus on that issue, im going to receive it like the bullshit you normally spew.
that's funny because you talked to me on yahoo msger about using drugs, and were an asshole homophobe to a gay person on irc as i recall.
that's cause you live in a fishbowl. last time i was on your bbs the thing crashed if you pushed the wrong key. yeah, you are a great contributer.
if your shit was really good you wouldnt have to throw it into the /sbbs/exe and later into other sections. you'd have your own website, people would download them and use them. but they wouldnt do that because your stuff is broke half the time. people dont report it because your games arent interesting enough to use.
if your shit was really good you wouldnt have to throw it into the /sbbs/exe and later into other sections. you'd have your own website, people would download them and use them. but they wouldnt do that because your stuff is broke half the time. people dont report it because your games arent interesting enough to use.
you dont know the first thing about how to use what ive contributed, nor what is or isnt good about it. I'm fairly certain you couldnt understand it
even if you looked at it, and everything that is currently broken will eventually be fixed.
about it. or rather, why dont some of you other sysops tell me how shitty
my work is... if that's truly the case, ill concede to your point of you,
if that's truly the case, ill concede to your point of you,
your highness.
just like every other time you are the only douchebag trash talking on
here, and your opinion just isnt worth as much as you think it is.
you cant simultaneously claim to be such a big bad promoter of bbsing and shit on people's hard work at the same time. please enlighten me what it is
you do for this community, because i see nothing but disease and hatred flowing out of you.
reports. and bugs do get fixed. my work speaks for itself, so please.....
if you dont know what the fuck you are talking about..... i dont need you
to advertise for me.
Re: Small List
By: MCMLXXIX to Mro on Sat May 26 2012 04:37 pm
you dont know the first thing about how to use what ive contributed, nor what is or isnt good about it. I'm fairly certain you couldnt understand
running .js stuff in synchronet is pretty easy.
not to mention i've been running synchronet for 12 years. yes. 12 years. i've done shit with synchronet YOU could not imagine.
even if you looked at it, and everything that is currently broken will eventually be fixed.
sure it will. sure it will.
why dont you have your own website to keep your stuff if you are so good? why do you have to put your junk in the cvs? if your stuff is so great you should host it yourself.
about it. or rather, why dont some of you other sysops tell me how shitty my work is... if that's truly the case, ill concede to your point of you,
nobody cares enough to comment on it. that's how things are. they just see i it doesnt work and they move on. that's today's mentallity.
if that's truly the case, ill concede to your point of you,
your highness.
your handful of buddies keep insinuating that i have a big ego and i think i better than you. the truth IS, deep down that is what you guys believe. i' just a regular joe but i still do it better than most you guys and i dont ev give a damn anymore.
i keep my bbses up , i keep my websites going strong and
i keep bending over backwards to help people and promote bbsing.
the truth is, you fuckheads dont do that. i dont know if its because you don know how or dont care enough. you guys live in your little fishbowl and you ignore the fact that there's people out there doing a lot to help the whole community.
just like every other time you are the only douchebag trash talking on here, and your opinion just isnt worth as much as you think it is.
well notice the only time YOU talk is to say something bad to ME.
also notice the only time flamewars kick in is when someone first attacks me and calls me names. i never do that, i treat people with respect until they cross the line.
you are too blind by your hate for me to see that because
you've got your axe to grind. And you wouldnt be so hateful and vengeful if what i've said over the years about you wasnt true. you know it's true. otherwise you'd just twit filter me and move on. but you KNOW it's true.
you cant simultaneously claim to be such a big bad promoter of bbsing and shit on people's hard work at the same time. please enlighten me what it
i dont shit on anybody's hard work. i applaud it. once i see some from one o you or your clique i'll clap my hands for you, okay?
you do for this community, because i see nothing but disease and hatred flowing out of you.
that's because you got your head up your ass. really. i've been working har for years. the fact is that you know nothing about bbsing. for me it's in blood. and that's a sad thing cause i wish there was something else that i w this good at. all i wanted to be was a user or do a few rg mods for TRiC an help out with iniquity.
that's something you wouldnt ever know about because you sit on irc with your few buddies and act like your goofy one trick pony scripts mean somethi
there's more to it than this tiny little bbs world you park your ass in.
there you go, now you got an actual reply from me. print it out and frame it your wall. most the time i just hit enter and tell you to eat a dick.
Re: Small List
By: MCMLXXIX to Mro on Sat May 26 2012 04:40 pm
reports. and bugs do get fixed. my work speaks for itself, so please..... if you dont know what the fuck you are talking about..... i dont need you to advertise for me.
i wasnt offering to advertise for you. congrats on the bug reports.
keep them coming [the bugs].
meanwhile the rest of us will promote bbsing and get better people involved than people like you who just tinker around and dont get the whole bbs thing
i dont want to hear your life story. i just want you to get intestinal cancer and die a painful death.
Aren't you lucky that such things don't work.
how do you know it doesnt work.
if someone were to smash up your car when you were sleeping, wouldnt you call the police? or do you think it's okay for people to go around attacking people's property?
Everyone knows you're a worthless piece of shit who is constantly being used as an argument for DigitalMan to start filtering at the hub again.
you mean everyone as in 3 people?
Nobody belives you are honest nor willing to REALLY help someone, you
are obviously only indersted in stroking your own ego and pretending to be things you aren't.
that's funny cause i can provide several examples and i HAVE in the past.
you are creating made up stories again deuce. what do i pretend to be?
okay you are drinking that canadian whiskey again
if your shit was really good you wouldnt have to throw it into the /sbbs/exec and later into other sections. you'd have your own website, people would download them and use them. but they wouldnt do that because your stuff is broke half the time. people dont report it because your
games arent interesting enough to use.
you dont know the first thing about how to use what ive contributed, nor what is or isnt good about it. I'm fairly certain you couldnt understand it
running .js stuff in synchronet is pretty easy.
not to mention i've been running synchronet for 12 years. yes. 12 years. i've done shit with synchronet YOU could not imagine.
why dont you have your own website to keep your stuff if you are so good? why do you have to put your junk in the cvs? if your stuff is so great you should host it yourself.
believe. i'm just a regular joe but i still do it better than most you
guys and i dont even give a damn anymore.
Re: Small List
By: Mro to Deuce on Sat May 26 2012 09:22 am
i dont want to hear your life story. i just want you to get intestinal cancer and die a painful death.
Aren't you lucky that such things don't work.
how do you know it doesnt work.
You came back.
Re: Re: Small List
By: Mro to Deuce on Sat May 26 2012 09:25 am
if someone were to smash up your car when you were sleeping, wouldnt you call the police? or do you think it's okay for people to go around attacking people's property?
So his actions caused you to spend money eh? I thought you said his attempts were pathetic and handled automatically?
Everyone knows you're a worthless piece of shit who is constantly being used as an argument for DigitalMan to start filtering at the
hub again.
you mean everyone as in 3 people?
No. Get a dictionary.
We wouldn't believe you. The default assumption would be that you're
making shit up again... unless you mean the zombie hoard of Synchronet systems you run (ran?) through "helping" a new sysop by getting VNC access then doing everything yourself.
you are creating made up stories again deuce. what do i pretend to be?A useful resource for Synchronet Sysops.
you're competent to judge stuff like this when you don't even understand
the purpose of CVS.
We still use your "CVS pollution" as a running joke while you're gone.
Yes, you have found some amazing ways to fuck it up over the years and
filed some doozie bug reports from going so far in the wrong direction you ended up having anal sex with it.
He does and you don't understand what CVS is for. You should look it up...
Re: Small List
By: Deuce to Mro on Sat May 26 2012 04:53 pm
you're competent to judge stuff like this when you don't even understand the purpose of CVS.
uh.. storing files?
We still use your "CVS pollution" as a running joke while you're gone.
dude i've been saying that for years. where have you been.
i asked long ago why those shit games were in sbbs/exec
a lot of them were abandoned and unfinished.
i know eventually some of them got moved out but seriously, what the hell.
he should keep his junk someplace else.
Re: Small List
By: Deuce to Mro on Sat May 26 2012 05:00 pm
Yes, you have found some amazing ways to fuck it up over the years and filed some doozie bug reports from going so far in the wrong direction yo ended up having anal sex with it.
oh bullshit. my system works perfectly. the only time i've had problems is when upgrading due to the various changes you people made. and when i report the issues they were fixed.
you've never used my system so you cant make a statement like that.
He does and you don't understand what CVS is for. You should look it up.
he doesnt have his files on his website for download. he used the cvs for distribution.
you dont know what you're talking about.
i dont want to hear your life story. i just want you to get intestinal cancer and die a painful death.
Aren't you lucky that such things don't work.
how do you know it doesnt work.
You came back.
whats this 'back' shit? i was never gone.
some of them were, some of them were manually dealt by myself.
go back and read.
No. Get a dictionary.
where do i get one?
We wouldn't believe you. The default assumption would be that you're making shit up again... unless you mean the zombie hoard of Synchronet systems you run (ran?) through "helping" a new sysop by getting VNC access then doing everything yourself.
i thought i dont know anything about synchronet? how could i do everything myself if i didnt know anything?
you are creating made up stories again deuce. what do i pretend toA useful resource for Synchronet Sysops.
see, this shows again, that you synchronet guys live in your own little world. yes i've helped synchronet people, but i've helped all sorts of people.
really what i try to do is give people the skills to help themselves. you cant really do everything for people because they dont learn anything and disappear in a few months anyways.
if you knew anything about bbses you'd know this.
you're competent to judge stuff like this when you don't even understand the purpose of CVS.
uh.. storing files?
We still use your "CVS pollution" as a running joke while you're gone.
dude i've been saying that for years. where have you been.
i asked long ago why those shit games were in sbbs/exec
a lot of them were abandoned and unfinished.
i know eventually some of them got moved out but seriously, what the hell.
he should keep his junk someplace else.
He does and you don't understand what CVS is for. You should look it up...
you dont know what you're talking about.
Re: Small List
By: Mro to Deuce on Sat May 26 2012 08:48 pm
He does and you don't understand what CVS is for. You should look it up...
you dont know what you're talking about.
Yeah, I'm talking about you... I've been putting up with you for around ten years.
Yeah, I'm talking about you... I've been putting up with you for around ten years.
one might say you have 10 years experience, and that you understand the psychology of these things.
Some day I hope to learn something about BBSs. Maybe you should write a boo
please explain.. what is this whole bbs thing? is there more to it these day than just tinkering around as a hobby? because if that is the case, then yes i just dont get it.
Re: Small List
By: MCMLXXIX to Mro on Sat May 26 2012 19:26:53
please explain.. what is this whole bbs thing? is there more to it these than just tinkering around as a hobby? because if that is the case, then i just dont get it.
BBSing is like any other hobby: different enthusiasts have different areas o interest, and some people fail to recognize this. Being "in a bubble" and focusing on one area (eg. Synchronet) isn't a problem if that's exactly wher you want to be. Contributing to a part of a community is still contributing the community. It's silly to think that the only way to be a BBS enthusiast to hoard, "support" and dick around with every piece of related software eve written. If that's what you enjoy doing, then great - but it's not the only way to pursue this hobby.
Synchronet is a great platform for people who want to enjoy BBSing as they remember it while developing new things. For the limited amount of time I g to spend on this stuff every week, it's where I want to be. Your contributi have made a lot of things possible for me. If all I got out of this was to experience BBSing as it was 20 years ago when I first got into it, I don't think I'd be able to maintain an interest. While lip service is sometimes p to "moving BBSing forward", very few people put any effort toward that goal. Exceedingly few have put in as much effort as you have.
"What is this whole BBS thing?" Who gives a shit? You don't need to stick your fingers into every piece of the BBS pie in order to claim to have contributed. I assure you, your contributions are appreciated where they ha been made.
electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230
dont look at me.Had too much Imodium?
I cant give a shit.
I only have 4 left and I need them for the week.
have contributed. I assure you, your contributions are appreciated
where they ha been made.
dont look at me.
I cant give a shit.
I only have 4 left and I need them for the week.
Re: Small List
By: Corey to echicken on Mon May 28 2012 12:46 pm
dont look at me.Had too much Imodium?
I cant give a shit.
I only have 4 left and I need them for the week.
Gosh, with everyone constipated maybe we should see about buying a bulkdont look at me.i dont give a shit and still do what i do better than most folks :D
I cant give a shit.
I only have 4 left and I need them for the week.
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